Post  #9

Perception Solutions:

Aside from our ideal perception solution outlined in post #8, we also need to consider a target solution and a minimum viable fallback solution.  

The simplest feasible perception system that does not require any environmental modification would be to use computer vision to detect both the walker and the patient. In terms of road navigation, we can use LiDAR, RGBD cameras ,and relevant libraries to help the robot to find the best path from the walker to the patient. 

Our minimum viable fallback solution is a combination of Human-in-the-loop and the use of ArUco markers to help with object detection.  

Human-in-the-loop interaction requires the patient to be close to either the interacting interface/ the controller in order for the solution to be feasible. We can transfer the interface to devices like phone to make it more accessible to the patient.

One more simplification could be to ask the patient to rotate the walker once it is delivered to them, as the rotation of the walker is something we struggled with when tele-operating stretch.