Post #14

Initial Draft

High-level design in detail


Stretch can navigate itself to the walker and use its gripper to grab the walker. Once it holds on to the walker, it can pull the walker to a target goal position.

Stretch Goals

Instead of dragging the walker to a target goal position on the map, it can detect a person and bring the walker to the person.

Nodes/Modules Already Implemented

The logic for detecting ArucoMarkers, the navigation stack as well as FUNMAP is already implemented. We will take advantage of these modules by using ArucoMarkers to detect the walker and the person, the navigation stack to navigate the robot's base to the detected walker and the person, along with FUNMAP to move stretch's gripper position.

Nodes/Modules to be Developed + Communication Between ROS Nodes

Note that the design above only serves as a starting point. We can be flexible since we might encounter changes to certain components or simplify some of the logic shown above. In our final post when we finish our MVP, we will include a more accurate graph that helps visualize the final design of our overall system. 
