Post #17

Team Progress Updates, Week 8 to 10

The gripper_pose_stack branch in this Github repo contains the latest implementation for our project. 

The new_backend branch contains our initial approach of using FUNMAP to move the gripper for grabbing the walker. 

And the detect_person branch contains the implementation for detecting a person.

UI Updates

Members: James & Markus


Base Navigation Update

Being able to navigate to the walker and precisely retrieve the walker is important. We observed that it'll be easier for Stretch to grab the walker if Stretch's base stays a few inches away on the side of the walker and faces forward relative to the walker (see the second demo video). 

This was implemented by taking advantage of Stretch's navigation stack. We saved poses for both step 1 and step 2 in the walker's frame. When Stretch tries to navigate itself, the backend will transform the saved poses into the map frame, and publish the pose to the topic on which Stretch navigation stack listens.

Members: Markus & Sylvia

Walker Grasp Approach 1 (FUNMAP)



Markus & Sylvia & Francesca & James

Walker Grasp Approach 2 (Manual Adjustments)


Instead of using FUNMAP to move the gripper to the target pose, we used fine-tuned manual adjustments, which include 

The gripper will initially rotate the wrist yaw to face the walker and open the gripper. After the final fine-tuned step (last bullet point above), the gripper will close to grab the walker.

Members: Markus & Sylvia


Detect Person (stretch goal)

Members: Francesca

Walker Update

The walker setup has changed slightly,

Members: James


Project Proposal

Getting caught up on our project proposal!

Members: the whole team :)