Post 20

Final Teamwork Reflection

Looking back at the roles we assigned ourselves in Post 4, we actually seemed to stick to those roles fairly well, with some small changes here or there. We also did create and slightly use a Notion document to jot down key ideas and commands, as planned in our Post #4. Eventually, as our project neared completion and we became more familiar with the commands and what needed to be done, we relied less and less on the notion document. In Post 4, we also outlined having a TODO list, but we did not pursue this option. Instead, our team was very active on messenger, so we all generally knew what was going on and what needed to be done next. One new method of collaboration that we ended up doing in our group was that each member would sort of take on a prototyping role and try out an idea on their own. Once that had some merit, the whole group would work together and flesh that idea out until it was perfected into our final project. By the end of the quarter, our team was probably spending at least around 9 hours weekly in the capstone lab working on the robot, much of it together as a group or at least in partnerships.

In the end, our team's overall drive and commitment to the project after deciding on the initial idea led to our projects success. While it's not perfect, it did end up serving as a very good proof of concept for our team's idea and did accomplish the minimum viable product which we defined early in the quarter. Every team member pulled their weight and has written technical code which did make it into the final product, as well as quality writing which appeared in posts such as these ones. We couldn't have asked for a better group!