
At our competitions we like to involve members of the community and other teams in helping to fill the plethora of roles needed to run a competition. this can be upwards of 40 people acting as judges, referees, queuers, emcees, etc. If you are interested in volunteering at an event, please reach out to us and we'll be in touch.

Role Descriptions & Requirements

With each role you will notice the number needed to run an event, a brief description of the position, relevant skills, anticipated activity level, and training requirements. 

Emcee ( 1 to 2 )

As an emcee you will bring enthusiasm and energy to all of those involved by providing a play-by-play for matches, providing informative commentary between matches, and announcing the awards ceremony. 


Activity Level: Moderate

Training: 1-2 hrs

Head referee ( 1 to 2 )

Your responsibilty is to organize and oversee all scorekeeper referees. You will also act as the final authority for all rules and disputes. As you watch each match you will monitor team interactions and help teams avoid penalties, while also enforcing rule violations equitably. VEX is a learning platform, so the overall goal is to learn and help students grow as roboticists and people. 


Activity Level: Moderate - High

Training: 5 - 6 hrs *certification required*

Link to Training

Link to Certification Exam

Scorekeeper referee ( 6 to 7 )

In this role your will record and verify scores with the teams, while using a mobile app or paper score sheets. You will be responsible with monitoring robot and team interactions and helping students avoid committing penalties, while enforcing rules violations and reporting those to the head referee. 


Activity Level: Moderate

Training: None needed, experience/training preferred (0.5-1hr)

Judge Advisor ( 1 )

Train and assist judges with conducting interviews, reviewing engineering notebooks, and observations of team interactions and performance. You will also help facilitate the deliberation process for juding awards and help judge if needed.


Activity Level: Moderate - High

Training: 3 - 4 hrs *certifcation required*

Link to Training

Link to Certification Exam

Judge ( 8 to 10 )

Evaluate student teams and engineering notebooks through interviews and observations of field performance and interactions with other teams and volunteers. You will also be helping to determine judged awards category winners.


Activity Level: Moderate - High

Training:  0.5-1 hr

Field Resetter ( 3 to 7 )

In this role you will be responsible for accurately resetting the competition fields between matches. Typically team reset the field between matches, but it is useful to have someone verify that it is setup properly.


Activity Level: Moderate - High

Training: 15 minutes

Robot Inspector ( 2 to 4 )

In this position you will be inspecting all incoming robots to verify that they are in compliance of all building rules and specifications that are outlined in the game manuals. The head referee will be overseeing this task to help answer any questions that may arise during the process.


Activity Level: Low

Training: 1 hr

Queuing ( 3 to 6 )

Here you will assist with staging teams for upcoming matches.


Activity Level: Moderate - High

Training: None 

Pit admin & practice field official ( 1 to 2 )

In this role you will oversee the practice fields and make sure that teams are sharing access and providing each other adequate and comparable time to test their robots and programs. You will also be responsible with answering general questions about the competition and venue related questions. 


Activity Level: Low - Moderate

Training: None