Devious Dawgs (2022/23)

Raegan a.

During Raegan's first year in robotics, she helped with writing and tweaking the engineering notebook alongside her partner, Lilli. After the body entries were written, she worked on pictures, sketches, and kept up to date with what was being made on the bot. She also loves taking pictures at the robotics competitions. 

Avery C.

This is Avery's first year in robotics, and she enjoys it significantly. To contribute to the Devious Dawgs, she builds the robot and helps program. She is also the second driver, who drives during the second half of each match. Avery has a profound passion for building and working towards the goal of winning an award at Worlds. She plans on doing robotics next year, yet she will have to gain more knowledge in order to proceed.

Gracee H.

This is Gracee's first year in robotics. She helped her team build the robot. Gracee began the season as a programmer, having constructed autonomous programs for the first two competitions, but then began focusing more on notebook instead. She was one of her team's driver for the first competition, but didn't enjoy the pressure of performance required. She enjoys robotics, but isn't sure whether she should pursue it in high school; she is more a fan of sports. Her team advanced on to states from their notebook, and even won the design award at the state championship to earn a ticket to Worlds. 

Blake M.

This is Blake's first year in robotics. Despite his team's lack of experience, they still qualified for Worlds. Blake centers most of his time on programming, but he is also one of the team's drivers. He enjoys robotics and would like to dedicate more time to study into it. He would love to eventually hold a career in a field of STEM.

Lilli M.

This is Lilli's first year in robotics; nonetheless she holds an important role on her team. Her team has won the design award twice, once at regionals and once at states, resulting in a qualification to Worlds. Lilli has helped by proposing design ideas on the bot along with being responsible for documenting team sketches and pictures. She mostly maps out ideas and note in the notebook so the team can consult their history when looking for ideas in advancement.