Devin B.

I’m Devin, and I have 2 years of VEX experience: one  IQ year and one Vex VRC year. I am the only member from the state quarter-finalist team we had last year.  That team went 6-2 at the state competition and finished in 13th place. I love to play chess and I love to stay after school for robotics, both B.E.S.T and VRC. I am the best chess player in the Cranberry High School with a rapid ELO of over 1600. I also love to play videogames with my friends. My favorites are Barotrauma, Team Fortress 2, and Titanfall 2. I do plan to attend college after school to either become a history teacher or a software engineer. 

Connor M.

I’m Conner. I don’t have much VEX experience at all, though I understand what is needed. I figured that I’d give VEX another try as it seemed fun before and everything seems to be happening now. In my free time, I play a large variety of video games, like Terraria, Minecraft, and many party games. I’ve also had a more recent interest in coding, just because I enjoy creating things. 

Jason D.

I’m Jason, I have 1 year of VEX IQ experience. My team made it beyond our school competition by winning the judges award. We went to the next competition (also at our school but a state qualifier) and played well, placing 6th in qualifiers but 7th in finals with no awards. I was driving that whole tournament with Gavin at my side for about ¼ of the time and another one of my friends the other ¾. I also play chess and sometimes even rival Devin (he may disagree, but whatever). One day I had a winning chess position against him but blundered it. I play video games and stream on Twitch. It's mainly Rocket League, Fall Guys, Counter-Strike, chess and some other strategy games

Briennna P.

I’m Brieanna. I have 1 year of VEX IQ experience. My team didn’t make it past the school's competition last year, but I had fun doing it. I enjoyed robotics last year so I thought I would give it another try this year. I also do Choir and Technology Systems (metal/wood shop). I also play some video games, like Minecraft.  

Liam T.

Hello, I am Liam and I have one year of VEX IQ experience and two years of BEST Robotics experience. The IQ team I was on made it to the States a couple years ago. I enjoy painting and drawing. I participate in martial arts such as tae kwon do, Brazilian jujitsu, wrestling, and kickboxing. I also dabble in writing books as well as poetry. 

Competition Results

Clash at the castle 

Skills - 1st Place

Overall Rankings - 4th Place

Awards - Excellence Award & Robot Skills Champion

Dubois area qualifier

Skills - 1st Place

Overall Rankings - 4th Place

Awards - Robot Skills Champion

bash at the berry dome

Skills - 1st Place

Overall Rankings - 9th Place

Awards - Robot Skills Champion & Excellence Award

western, pa states

Skills - 20th Place

Overall Rankings - 8th Place

Awards - Design Award