Computer Game Reviews

Computer Game Reviews

By: Hugh Koschwanez


Civilization V is honestly the best computer game I have ever played. It’s the perfect game for strategic nerds who don’t have the reflexes for shooter games. In it, the player controls a real-world civilization, such as Arabia, England, Polynesia, Greece, Egypt, or the Vikings. The game lasts about 6000 in-game years, from 4000 BC until someone wins, which is usually sometime in the 2000s. A game usually takes somewhere around 14 hours, which obviously does not need to be continuous. The player makes choices on how their empire will grow, and how to interact with other civilizations. These include what buildings or units to create, what technologies to research, and how to evolve cities.

My favorite game of Civilization I ever played was as Polynesia. I researched way-winding quickly, and proceeded to explore the world. Once I had expanded quite a bit, I proceeded to build libraries, schools, and monuments. My artists made over 30 great works of art, and eventually invented the Internet for a huge boost in tourism. I barely had any military, but I created a nuclear arsenal as a deterrent to anyone who would attack me. I won the game through a Cultural Victory, which is basically where you create so much art, tourism, and influence that everyone else agrees that you’re the best civilization.

The game is wonderfully illustrated, with a live-action map. You can see the specific buildings you have made in your cities, and you can see workers working in mines and farms. One of the best things about this game is that you can play at any point. If you have friends who are also hanging around, you can play with them, each controlling a different civilization. If you are alone, you can play against well-made robot opponents, each with adjustable difficulties. Overall, this game is fantastic. You can buy it on Steam, and probably other places, too.