CPS JK-12 World Language

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Welcome to our brand new CPS World Language Google Site!

The CPS World Language Department covers language programs in Grades JK-12. An overview of our program is available here. The department has clearly established proficiency benchmarks for each language and level in sync with national standards defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). The major goal for the next school year involves implementation of the new Mass. World Language Frameworks adopted in April 2021. We celebrate National Foreign Language Week each year in March. Last year, our celebrations included a speaker on Black American Sign Language and also the rollout of a Community Cookbook. An important World Language department initiative in recent years has been the Seal of Biliteracy, with 8-10% of graduating CRLS students receiving the Seal each year. All WL educators have been trained in Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and restorative practices, with several WL educators currently serving as CPS districtwide liaisons for restorative circles. A summary of the functions served by the JK-12 World Language Instructional Coach, a key CPS WL job-embedded professional development team member, is provided here.

CPS Antiracist Vision Statement:

All CPS youth thrive, are empowered and are liberated through education, learning experiences and spaces that are antiracist.

CPS Antiracist Mission Statement:

On the journey to becoming an antiracist school district, the CPS community actively uplifts and collectively holds each other accountable to equitably support our young people and families. We center the voices and prioritize the needs of youth, families and educators of color with antiracist decisions, practices and policies to dismantle historical oppression and to support learning spaces where all students are known, celebrated, empowered and thrive.

CPS WL Safe Space Statement:

CPS WL provides a safe space in our calssrooms for all students and educators. Building upon newly developed terminology in the spoken and visual languages taught at CRLS, e.g. elle in Spanish, we ensure that all WL lessons include representation in the target langauge of all genders, including those who identify as nonbinary, gender fluid or gender questioning. Self-identification is the most important first step to communicating in any language, and we believe that it is essential for all students to have the skills to identify themselves, giving their name and pronouns in initial greetings. Along these lines, we also believe that our language program should focus at all levels on providing students with skills and safe space to describe their own traits and characteristics to the extent they are comfortable. Students are never asked to label other students or adults. See attached for additional ideas.

Stay in touch with CPS World Language through:

Twitter (@CPSWorldLang) and Instagram (cpsdworldlanguages) and email (jkelleher@cpsd.us).