Syllabus Grade 3

2018 – 2019


Room 207

Sra. Vázquez

“The limits of one’s language are the limits of one’s world.” -Ludwig Wittgenstein

Dear Students and Families,

¡Bienvenidos! Welcome to Spanish class! I’m looking forward to learning more about each one of you and sharing an exciting year of linguistic and cultural exploration with you!

1. Course Description

The goal of this class is for all students to improve their ability to communicate competently in Spanish and deepen their knowledge of the Spanish-speaking world. In order for us to be productive as a team, it is imperative that we respect one another’s different skills and abilities and that we are positive and supportive of one another.

All students will practice speaking, listening, reading, writing and research skills. We will begin the year reviewing what we learned last year and practicing the strategies necessary to understand language that is new.

This year, we will review and/or explore the following topics:

  • Spanish speaking world
  • Common phrases & commands
  • Greetings and salutations
  • Telling time
  • Alphabet, colors and numbers
  • Asking and answering questions
  • Traveling abroad

2. Materials & Objectives

Being punctual and prepared is key to success in this class. Each day, you will need to come to class with:

  • Folder & notebook to be used for Spanish class only (You may use the same notebook as last year!)
  • Sharpened pencils and erasers
  • Pack of crayons, markers, colored pencils, glue, scissors, or construction paper (to give to teacher)
  • There may be additional supplies needed during the school year for student projects (i.e. posterboard)


The main objective of this class is to communicate in the Spanish language and to understand and appreciate Hispanic cultures and history. As such, everyone will be expected to try their best to communicate in Spanish. It is expected that you will not know how to say everything in Spanish or understand everything you encounter. However, we will work towards the goal of communicating as a class almost entirely in Spanish.

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Follow simple directions, respond to and ask simple questions in Spanish.
  • Imitate pronunciation, intonation and inflection including sounds unique to the Spanish language.
  • Recognize the written form of familiar spoken language and predict meaning of key words.
  • Write and speak words, phrases, and simple sentences to describe people and activities.
  • Become a worldlier person by beginning to appreciate the many cultures of our global community.

3. Grading Policies

Gradebook will be updated weekly so that you and your parents can access your grades easily. At most, students will have 10 Spanish classes per quarter. As such, it is crucial that all assignments are completed to the student’s best ability. Your final grade will be based upon the following criteria:

Formative Assessments (50%)

- PDNs

- Classwork

- Exit slips

Summative Assessments (40%)

- Quizzes

- Tests

- Projects

Participation (10%)

The grading scale is as follows: 90-100 = A, 80-89.9 =B, 70-79.9 =C, 60-69.9 =D, Under 60 = F.


The expectation is that you will practice what we learn during class for 5-10 minutes a day! Occasional written homework is assigned each quarter.


All projects and assignments are due at the beginning of our Spanish class and may require students to work collaboratively outside of Spanish class to complete their project.

4. Classroom Expectations

In our Spanish class, everyone has the right to learn Spanish in the most fun and productive way possible.

Here are our steps to ensure that we have a fun and productive class:

☺ Be positive, respectful, and supportive of each member of our learning community.

☺ Upon entering our classroom, go to your assigned seat and silently complete the PDN activity.

☺ Be actively engaged during every learning activity and stay in your seat during direct teacher instruction.

☺ Complete your work to the best of your ability & ask clarifying questions by raising your hand.

☺ Face Sra. Vázquez and be silent when she asks for your attention.

☺ Leave our classroom the way you found it (clean, orderly and with all materials in its place).


In the event that you must miss school, it is your responsibility to make up what you have missed, outside of class time. Please email Sra. Vázquez at or stop by her classroom when you return to make sure that you make up all of the work prior your next Spanish class.


Adhere to our classroom expectations and receive rewards!

When you are caught doing the RIGHT thing, answering questions and/or being a supportive and positive presence in our classroom, you may receive a “boleto”. At the end of each of each class, you will write your name on your ticket and place it in your class’ “caja de boletos”. After each class, a “boleto” will be drawn. The winning student will receive a “premio”. Tickets will not be handed out for every activity. You may not earn a ticket if you ask for it.

Please take a moment to share your comments or questions below and sign to let me know that you have received, read and understood this information. I’m excited about the opportunity for us all to work together this year! Please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have at

Student Information

By signing this form, I indicate that I have read the above information and policies. I agree that I will abide by these rules and procedures at all times. I agree to be open be open-minded and communicate effectively with Sra. Vázquez in order to have a positive and productive school year.

Student Name: _______________________________ Student Signature: ________________________________

James Ward School email address: _________________________________________________________

Parent Information

Name of parent(s)/ guardian(s): ________________________________________________________________

Signatures of parent(s)/ guardian(s): _______________________________________________________________

Best way to reach you: (include at least one telephone number and email)

Phone number: _________________________________ email address: _________________________________

Phone number (alt.): _____________________________ email address (alt.): ____________________________

Best time(s) to reach you: _______________________________________________________________________

You know your child best! What would you like me to know about your student to best help them learn Spanish?









