Internships FAQs

IBM Summer Internships

IBM offers 6-week summer internships to Juniors and Seniors on Associate Degree Pathways.

What are the requirements?

  1. You must be a junior or senior enrolled in an Associate Degree Pathway and have at least 12 college credit hours.

  2. Have a 3.0+ GPA for Daley and 95%+ attendance rate.

  3. Sign up as interested candidate.

  4. Attend resume workshops, complete a professional resume, and submit to the IBM Industry Program Manager.

  5. Attend interview workshop and complete a professional interview with an IBM manager.

  6. Earn the IBM Professional Skills badge and Design Thinking badge via Open P-TECH.

  7. You must be eligible to work in the U.S.

Do I need to know how to code?

No, coding is not a requirement. The majority of work does not require coding. However, if you wish to have an internship with coding, that can be arranged.

I’m not sure if I have enough experience to do the program. Should I do it?

Most student interns don’t have a lot of work experience. Most of their experience consists of school work, projects, and volunteer work. Those are great places to start. The internship is a great way to gain the experience for your future.

Am I guaranteed a summer internship if I am enrolled in the Early College program?

No. There are a limited spots available so selection is based on student qualifications, resume submission, and interview. However, your consideration is greatly increased when you meet all internship deadlines.

Is the internship paid?

Yes, the position is paid and the hourly rate is based on the number of college credit hours earned before the start of the internship. The rate is very competitive. Students are expected to work 32 hours a week and attend the weekly professional development workshops on Fridays. There is no overtime available for students.

Is travel involved?

The Chicago IBM office is located downtown at 71 S Wacker drive. All internships have been hosted at this location in the past.

The 2021 summer internships will take place remotely. Interns will be issued an IBM laptop and mifi device for use.

Am I expected to work the entire 6 weeks? What if I have summer plans and will miss some time?

Yes, you are expected to work the entire 6 weeks. There are rare cases where we can make exceptions, but this is done on a case-by-case basis.

Can I take a summer class while doing the internship?

Most of the time, summer classes do interfere with the internship timeline. However, it can vary so speak to Mr. Chu once you know the specifics.

For 2021, students may not take summer classes if it interferes with the 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Thursday work schedule.

When are student interviews?

Student interviews will be conducted in Spring 2021 and depending on the availability of the managers. Students will be emailed the jobs they are matched with for interviews by May.

How are students being matched to jobs for which to interview?

Students are matched by IBM HR and Talent Acquisition Team based on the student interest survey that students complete. A match is determined based on the business units availability.

updated April 2021