IT Pathways

Information Technology Pathways

The Information Technology Pathways offered at Goode prepare students for occupations in the fields of Computer Programming, Software Application Development, Web Design, and Computer Repair and Installation. Students have the opportunity to design, develop, and manage different types of software programs and hardware.

Students on Associate Degree pathways qualify for IBM internships and first in line job opportunities with IBM.

Computer Science (AS)

The CS AS degree is designed to prepare students for transfer to a four-year institution and eventual careers in fields such as programming, systems analysis, or computer research.

Networking (AAS)

The Networking Tech AAS degree teaches students to design, deploy and manage wired and wireless technologies, including LAN/WAN networks, the Internet, intranets and other data communications systems

Web Development (AAS & AS)

The IT Web Development AS/AAS programs teaches students to design, build and maintain websites and web content.

The difference between Associate’s of Applied Science (AAS) and Associate’s of Science (AS) Degree:

Associate’s of Applied Science (AAS)

Requires more technical courses to prepare for employment after graduation. Some courses may transfer to 4-year universities.

AAS in Networking

AAS in Web Development

Associate’s of Science (AS)

Easily transferrable to 4-year universities given that degrees require more general education course requirements.

AS in Web Development

AS in Computer Science