Should everyone have the right to have free medicare?

High medicare fee in America has been for a problem long time term. For many low classes people medical care is one concern when they go to see a doctor. In my survey there were 100 % teenager wants free medicare or lower the price that can be affordable. I have been looking at some websites and some people say that if the facilities are free, it is going to lower the standard of care and will take longer to care a person. Also there are those people who say that other countries like Finland and Europe have free medical facilities for their people and that is what a true democracy does for its people. Unlike America, which is robbing the people of their money. Overall, agreement of "should people has free medicare" has not discuss a result above so the fees is still high.

The teenage is depress when they can not afford the medicare bills it is pushing her to death.


Main Issue

  • Medicare is for senior or disable

  • Medicare is expensive

  • prescription are pretty expensive

  • 26,000 American die each year because lack of helth insurance

Out of 25 Curie High Students surveyed, 100% agree that medicare should to free.

From conducting this survey I walk around the classroom about 100% people saying that medicare shall be free to people. A rounding "Pareto principle" 80 percent of people were poor and only 20% of people were wealthy. It is very unequal, my classmates all free free medicare the main problem is the medicare bills were very expensive a lot of people can not afford that. In Europe countries and Canada the people have free access to medicare. Which means the government pay their bills. It help a lot of low-class people or low income family.

Interview Summary

The purpose of the interview is to know how the people feel. My interviewee is Antonio M. 17 years old, male,and knows Spanish. He thinks that the government should lower the price of medicare because it was too expensive like the dental and ophthalmology department. These can cost thousands or more dollars. I do research I found out that in the United States there is 27.5 millions people who do not have health insurance, The writer wrote this article is being sarcastic society of USA, “Proponents of the right to health care say that no one in one of the richest nations on earth should go without health care.” I learned from that people do not really need free medicare, what they want is lower all kind of medical treatment, which people can afford.

Your Personal Opinion

Medicare only for senior or disable it is unfair to chilfren and middle class people they have to pay very high amount of medicare bills. The one prescription can cost more than $600 dollars for one bottle. Every year about 26,000 is dyinig because of health insurance. Overall, I think middle class or like us the treaetment is the worst. Rich has the ability to pay the medicare and poor people can get a lot of help from the government.

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Why isn’t medicare free for everyone? People who are sick, cannot afford to go to the hospital or the doctor because healthcare is too expensive. One medical emergency can lead to debt and homelessness. Of the 25 Curie High school students surveyed, 100% said Medicare should be free. Even teenageers understand that medical expenses are too much and the government should help. Although people say the quality of medicare would go down if Medicare were free, nevertheless, all Americans should get free or affordable medicare because all accessibility to healthcare through Obamacare for example can save lives and the cost of healthcare is too high and can ruin lives.

There are many benefits to Obamacare. According to Kimberly Amadeo in the article ̈Obamacare Care Explain,̈ Obamacare is really good for people with preexisting conditions who would normally not have access to healthcare.“The accessibility of Obamacare allows people with pre-existing conditions to afford preventive care, thus reducing hospital visits and slowing the rise of healthcare costs.” (Amadeo) So What?

So, if everyone has access to Obamacare, itś more likely that most Americans will be covered and have access to healthcare that is free or affordable and that makes for a better society. For example, college students need to be covered under their parent’s insurance. This is because if they’re not covered they may not finish their education. Medicare should be available for children until the age of 26, because that is when most people are finally able to support themselves.“Under the ACA, the law required parents to include their children on their plans, up to age 26.”( Wwhat is Oobamacare) So what? If everyone, including students who don’t work, have access to Medicare, they would be able to go to the hospital and this would save a lot of money in the long run. In conclusion, medicare should be free for everybody.

The cost of medicare is very expensive. Based on the article from “how much does medicare cost?” “An ambulance to take you to the hospital will start at $400. If tests are required, additional costs of $100 - $500 are typical. Should you need to spend the night, an additional charge of $5,000 might be added to your bill…” So what? This leads to people stressing over the bills, and worrying about how much money they will be spending on just visiting the hospital and ruining a family's daily life.

My personal opinion is that Mmedicare should be available for all Americans. I found that rich people do not pay much taxes. I searched online that “ $1.4 billion he paid in personal federal taxes is a massive number — yet it amounts to a 1.1 percent true tax rate on the rise in his fortune. The revelations provided by the IRS data come at a crucial moment.” Rich people, a lot of them, were selfish because if they pay a large amount of taxes it can help poor people by having a good education, better environment, resources, and even cheaper college fees, however they decide not to do that.

In conclusion, the former president Obamacare wants to create an environment where all people, especially poor people are able to afford healthcare, which is Obamacare. Obama really cares about people, he personally is not wealthy, he understands what conditions we were in and he wanted to change America’s healthcare agenda. It will be very difficult for all Americans to unite to strike for medicare because they are used to the conditions that medicare is very expensive. They never live in a place like Europe, having free healthcare and not worrying about paying large amounts of money. America is capitalism which means who has money. We listen to who, if you strike with them medicare it will take manys years, the conditions may be better a little but you have to put a lot of money into lawyers and courts. Having famous people spreading how poor healthcare in the USA makes rich people conscious-wringing more money to help the poor.