Should people be more aware that many companies are animal testing for their own benefits?

Write a brief summary: People should be more considerate of the things they use on their products or what they are testing them on they need to see how much harm all of these companies are doing to animals i get it it might be a little expensive but at the end of the day your helping an innocent animal not get tested by bulling animal free products .

Be careful of what your products are being tested on.

Describe the main issues you are going to cover.

What are 5 main topics that you are going to be discussing?

  • what is animal testing

  • other alternatives

  • Products

  • People

  • Animal feelings

Out of 25 students from curie , 100% agreed that many companies are animal testing for their own benefits

All of the 25 students that i interviewd from different classrooms agreed with me , this means that they also care about our animals and their feeling . Like how they wrote in the coment section of the paper "It should be eligal to use animals as experiments" this is a strong fact because they are testing them against their own will just because they cant talk doesnt mean they can hurt them and do what ever with them because most of those animlas die in the process of the experiment . Also most of the students didnt even know animals were being tested , like me i didnt know till this year that animals were being used , that uspets me and made lots of the students upset because they are inocent animals used for our cosmetics.


Jasmine Esparza is a Junior in curie High school and is 16 year old female , she has 7 siblings and one cat , recently got a dog . Shes in the teaching academy program were she loves to interact with children and be creative . She has known me since elementary we were best friends during that time and still are friends, we work together and go out when we have time . Shes in the IB program were shes taking french , ethnics and english , and the 2 periods with the kids were she learns a lot of children's education like me . Shes a really shy person but when you gain her trust shes really talkative, likes to help others , have fun and go out .The purpose of this interview with her is to inform her about many companies testing for their own benefits , and showing her how thats wrong in many ways like showing her the articles that i reviewed that had information about animal testingMany different kinds of animals are used such as mice,fish,rats,rabbits,hamsters,guinea pigs,farm animals ,cats,dogs,birds,mini-pigs,and non-human primates like -chimpanzees,monkeys,and in some countries -”It is estimated that more than 115 million animals worldwide are used in laboratory experiments every year. But because only a small proportion of countries collect and publish data concerning animal use for testing and research, the precise number is unknown.” I showed her this article and that main sentence to inform her how their being tested and that there is not even an accurate number of the animals that are being tested . i asked her a few questions -

  1. what do you know about animal testing ? I didnt know anything about animal testing

  2. Do you feel bad about animals being tested?yes because i have a cat of my own

  3. Do you feel bad about animals being hurt ? yes, Because they have feeling to and their are being hurt and it makes me sad because they inject all type of stuff in their body.

  4. Do you value animals ? Yes i feel like they are a creatures created by nature that make us happy and meant to be taken care of because one day they will extinct

  5. Have you used cosmetic that test on animals ? yes , but i didn't know of until you informed me about it .

  6. Are you going to check cosmetics before you buy them if they are cruelly free?Yes because it would help our environment and our animals .

  7. Are you going to purchase cosmetic that are cruelty free? Yes but it depends if they are too expensive but it would be a good impact for our animals .

  8. Are you going to inform your family members about cosmetics using animals ?Yes i am

  9. Do you feel more informed now ? Yes i feel more informed and learned new stuff

  10. How do you feel about your answers? I feel very confident and was honest during the whole time

How i feel about this interview is very confident because she felt really informed with the article that i showed her and the informed , this makes me feel really good because i was able to interview someone for the first time .

Your Personal Opinion

In conclusion we should be more aware in the companies that use animal testings in their cosmetics because if we get informed and actually understand the damages they do to those innocent animals it would bring more attention from our audience . I think animal testing for cosmetics should be illegal because they are not respecting our animals rights and many of them die after these harmful procedures , i would like to see more companies go cruelty -free , they can use more natural ingredients that don't need to be tested on animals . I also think that its a really cruel thing that they do to the animals they also have feelings and feel all the liquids that are being inserted to them , i feel like after learning and discovering all the companies that use animals Im going to make the change and stop purchasing them and looking at the products to make sure they are cruelty free also inform other about it . I also wonder where do they get these animals , i get it they might get them from the streets , but if they get them from shelters is a really bad thing because they are supposed to get adopted from a loving family not get used as an object for these cosmetics . I makes me sad because it could of been my dog or my Guinea pigs the ones getting tested , there should be something done about it and be stooped they can all just go cruelty free or should be equal ,since animals are getting tested then why don't the scientist test on each others to see how bad it feels .

Should people be more aware that many companies are animal testing for their own benefits? Companies that are animal testing for their own benefits make the animals go trough really harsh procedures one from injecting many chemicals into their body . A lot of animals are used multiple times till they pass away , they are used to test cosmetic products to see if its safe to use and for laboratories uses for experiments and more . But is this really the only option they have to test their cosmetics , testing should stop , its harmful , lots of animals die, and they don't care about animal rights.

In conclusion it is clear why people should be more aware that many companies are animal testing for their own benefit , therefore we need to protect our animals because one day thet might extinct , they deserve a better life with a loving family that cares about them and gives them attention .Also stop purchasing products that test on animals , buy the ones that are cruelty free to help our animals , for example “According to a 2019 study by GlobalData, 35% of consumers actively look for "cruelty-free" claims on beauty products.” “This means that 22.5% of counties worldwide have banned animal testing for cosmetics.” in this article .t support on how some countries worldwide are banning animal testing , this is making chnages and progres and hopfully it will be baned im many more countries .All of this confirms that we have to be more aware on companies that animal test and stop buying their products .

!were going to be using Jam board!