Should sex education be required?

Write a brief summary

Sex education isn’t mandatory in every state. Some schools don’t even touch the topic about sex. In this slide we learn and discuss more about whether kids should or shouldn’t be taught sex ed in school.

In this picture we see this teacher teaching her students sex ed.

Describe the main issues you are going to cover.

What are 5 main topics that you are going to be discussing? Describe them here:

  • Sex education in the US.

  • Sex education not being inclusive to the LGBTQ+ community.

  • Teen pregnancy.

  • Contraception methods.

  • Safe sex.

What were the results of your survey? Describe your findings here.

Describe the findings of your survey:

Out of 25 students everyone agreed that sex ed should be taught and mandatory in schools!

Interview Summary

Write your interview summary here:

When interviewing this person whether she thinks sex ed should be mandatory in schools she said yes. I asked her why she thought that and she said she believes that some parents avoid the sex talk with their children and it can lead to unwanted pregnancies and unsafe sex, so she thinks students taking a class to learn about safe sex would actually benefit students.

Your Personal Opinion

Write your thesis statement and discuss your point of view here. Put in a personal anecdote if you can.

I believe that sex ed should be mandatory. Not only will children just learn about sex, but they will learn safe contraception methods like using a condom or taking birth control. Students also learn how to avoid teen pregnancy and what their options are when and if they are faced with that. Students learn that they should talk to their partner when they want to have sex. They learn about std's, the human body, boundaries, etc.

Write your paper here.

Should sex ed be required? Students that don't take sex ed have a higher chance of pregnancies, STD's, not aware of safe contraception methods, don't know how to talk with their partners, don't know how to read body language, don't know what to do after sex, aren't aware about puberty, and maybe aren't aware of their own sexuality. Out of 25 curie students that answered my survey, all agreed that schools should teach and require sex education.

In the daily star article it says that sex ed isn't just about sex, "Kids are also taught how their bodies function, puberty and menstruation and a crucial topic called consent. Sex ed teaches students how to recognise abuse. It builds respect for their own and others' bodies and talks about boundaries and emotional well-being." Some children get abused when young and sometimes don't understand what happen to them and think it okay or 'normal' when it's not.

According to 'The Know Youth Media' only 5% of LGBTQ+ students saw LGBTQ+ representation in their sex ed/health class. This isn't inclusive to people in the LGBTQ+ community, how are these children suppose to know what to do when they want to have sex with their partner. Who are these kids suppose to talk to if they have no one to talk to at home or don't have access to talk to a doctor they trust in? In this article we also learn that only 11 states talk about healthy relationships, sexual assult, and consent in their sex ed class. How are children suppose to know how a healthy relationship is suppose to look like if they didn't see that growing up? Sometimes people that have been assaulted think that they haven't because they are in a relationship when that isn't the case, just because your in a relationship with someone doesn't give them the right to do anything with your body when you don't want them to. In the article it also talks about how only 20 states require info on contraception in sex ed, how are these students suppose to know who to go to or what to take after sex if they don't have anyone to talk to or don't have access to it without a parent? Lastly, in this article we learn 24 states require sex ed that's literally less than half the states in the US. We have seen a decrease in teen pregnancies and STD's since sex ed has started. Since we see these positive results why aren't we requiring sex ed in every school?

Write your bibliography here. MLA style

Rahman, Mrittika Anan. “Sex Ed Should Be Taught in Schools. Here's Why.” The Daily Star, 5 Oct. 2021,