Should parents talk about mental health issues with their kids?

Write a brief summary

When asking,"Should parents talk about mental healt issues with their kids?" Students have agreed to parents talking about mental health with theirs kids because they feel as if they need to learn about it and too feel comftarble talking about how they feel. It builds a better relationship with their parents in general.

In general many people wonder about what they are feeling and dont know how express it or even say it in words.

Mental health

1)The importance of talking about mental health

2)How it affects people

3)How it affect daily life

4)why it should be talked more often

5)Why it matters

What were the results of your survey? Describe your findings here.

When asking students "Should parents talk about mental health issues with their kids?" Everybody said yes because its an important topic that should be discussed with family to make it a trusting envirement.

Interview Summary

When asking this person, should parents talk about mental health issues with their kids?

She said that its an important topic to discuss with their kids, to make them understand what they are feeling and not keep it to themselves. So they will feel free to speak with a trusting Adult of what they are thinking or feeling. This helps make a trusting bond and no secrets being kept from them.

Your Personal Opinion

Mental health is a problem in our society, not many talk about this serious issue with their children or with anyone in general. This must be discussed in schools, also within families. Parents should make this a priority to talk to their children, and make them aware of this. Showing and explaining mental health can prevent serious and dangerous stuff from happening, and get them the help they deserve.

Mental health is a problem in our society, not many converse about this serious topic to their children or anyone in general. People think that if they don't talk about mental health that it doesn't exist but it doesn't work like that, this can lead to serious stuff happening .Parents should make this a priority to talk to their children, and make them aware of this. During this conversation this informs children to understand how they’re feeling and be open on their feelings.

Not many people think of the Benefits in talking about Mental Health, there are many advantages to knowing about this topic; because it can save the life of people. What does it do to protect people? According to HealthSherpa,”Talking about mental health helps improve our communities by making it more acceptable for those suffering from mental illnesses to seek help, learn to cope, and get on the road to recovery.” (HealthSherpa) As explained by this quote, this in fact will benefit everybody to be informed and not make any assumptions about this illness.When children don't know about mental health this harms them, they don't know what they are feeling so they keep it to themselves .This will get people to be more open about their feelings without getting shamed or being called insane. This makes them understand their feelings, and talk about them more openly with persons that they dearly trust.

When feeling any type of struggle with mental health this can lead to serious and dangerous situations happening if not being treated. Feeling many emotions at the same time can be very overwhelming, therefore not being able to do anything about it makes a person feel weak.As this quote says, ”Feeling very sad or withdrawn for more than two weeks. Seriously trying to harm or kill himself or herself, or making plans to do so. Experiencing sudden overwhelming fear for no reason, sometimes with a racing heart or fast breathing. Getting in many fights or wanting to hurt others.” As I have said, these emotions or having urges to do stuff can lead to very harmful situations happening. Feeling anxious and having sweetness can be a. Furthermore, Mental health needs to be generalized so people can be aware of what's happening and know they don't have to deal with this alone.

When a child or someone else is dealing with mental health, there is a lot of help they can get to better understand their situation and receive support. This can lead them to understand their feelings themselves, and express themselves. When this happens they can find a hobby to distract themselves from these thoughts, and feel better about themselves. According to Healthspa parents can, "Talk to your child's doctor, school nurse, or another health care provider and seek further information about the behaviors or symptoms that worry you,".(HealthSpa) After these conversations they themselves can decide what they can do to help their child and receive the help they need.

Mental health is a problem in our society, not many talk about this serious issue with their children or with anyone in general. This must be discussed in schools, also within families. Parents should make this a priority to talk to their children, and make them aware of this. Showing and explaining mental health can prevent serious and dangerous stuff from happening, and get them the help they deserve.

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