Physical Education

PE @ Brooks


Level: N

Credit(s): None

Semester(s): 2

Typical Grade Level: AC Students

Prerequisites: None

Level of Challenge:

Typical Homework Commitment:

Aquatics I & II

Level: R

Credit(s): 1

Typical Grade Level: 11th & 12th

Semester(s): 2

Prerequisites: Successful completion of PE I and PE II

Level of Challenge:

Ability to fucntion in a pool setting.

Typical Homework Commitment:

PE I & Health Education

Level: R

Credit(s): 1

Typical Grade Level: 9th

Semester(s): 2

Prerequisites: NONE

This course presents students with a clear look at the health issues facing humanity today. Students begin by evaluating their own level of health and move into areas of health risks, nutritional needs, exercise, drugs, self-care, environment, and safety. This is a hands-on course where students learn to take charge of their own health by practicing preventative health habits. The course includes a wealth of high-quality, up-to-date Internet resources. It meet state standards and is based on the National Health Education standards. Note: In accordance with state mandates, this course includes education on drugs and alcohol, AIDS, and sexuality so that students can make informed, responsible decisions. Freshman physical education is designed for students to participate in a variety of activities that will focus on developing and maintaining physical fitness and social-emotional concepts through individual and team activities. Students will learn the basic foundations for leading a healthy and active lifestyle. Emphasis will be on improving the health-related components of fitness and the importance of life-long exercise.

Level of Challenge:

Typical Homework Commitment:

PE II & Drivers Education

Level: R

Credit(s): 1

Typical Grade Level: 10th

Semester(s): 2

Prerequisites: Students must have completed PE I.

This course will focus on developing and maintaining health related and skill related fitness through participation in various team games and sports in a recreational setting. Team games and sports may include but not limited to: basketball, flag football, soccer, ultimate Frisbee, Pickleball, badminton, and volleyball. For 9 weeks during the academic year will be devoted to Driver Education. This piece of the physical education course students will be fulfilling their classroom portion of the Driver Education requirement. Upon successful completion of this course students will obtain their State Of Illinois Driving Permit.

* Driver Education students will be directed to a separate site in order to complete their behind the wheel/ traffic requirement.

Level of Challenge:

Typical Homework Commitment:


Level: R

Credit(s): 1

Semester(s): 2

Typical Grade Level: 11th -12th

Prerequisites: Successful Completion PE I and PE II.

Students will engage in various physical based activities designed to improve and promote all health related components including but not limited to muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility. Students will participate in a combination of activities designed to teach students about overall wellness through various physical related disciplines.

Level of Challenge:

Typical Homework Commitment:

Adaptive PE

Level: H

Credit(s): 1

Semester(s): 2

Typical Grade Level: 11th -12th


Ability to cooperatively engage with the diverse learning community in various instructor directed activities.

Level of Challenge:

Typical Homework Commitment: