Diverse Learners


The level of self-independence differs for each student. At Gwendolyn Brooks College Prep, we believe every student can learn self-advocacy skills that will prepare them for their post-secondary goals. In addition, we believe that education is a partnership between students, teachers, administrators, parents and the community. The goal of Brooks Diverse Learners Department is to provide opportunities for Diverse Learners to access the rich and rewarding curricula.

Admission Requirements and Programs: For low incidence/cluster program placements contact the Office of Diverse Learners Supports & Services (ODLSS). Contact Access & Enrollment for selective enrollment eligibility requirements and process for students with IEP’s.


  • Cluster Programs
  • Resource
  • Collaborative Team Teaching (CTT)

Available Supports:

  • Cluster Program
    • Job Shadowing
    • Counselor Apprenticeship
    • Transition Services Support
  • Resource and CTT
    • Intervention and Acceleration
    • Counselor Apprenticeship
      • Post Secondary Supports:
        • Self-Advocacy Skills in preparation for College
        • Assistance with College Outreach
        • College Chats
        • Sophomore, Junior and Senior College Knowledge

Contact Information:

Case Manager: Doris Williams dewilliams1@cps.edu 773-5353941