Advanced Placement

Advanced Placement

AP Art History

Level: AP

Credit(s): 1

Semester(s): 2

Typical Grade Level: 11th or 12th, (9-10th grade students teacher recommendation needed)

Prerequisites: No prerequisites, prior taking of or taking in conjunction with world history preferred, with an A or B or better; Cs and lower must have a teacher recommendation. Must have 93% attendance or better.

AP Art History is an introductory college-level art history course. Students cultivate their understanding of art history through analyzing works of art and placing them in historical context as they explore concepts like culture and cultural interactions, theories and interpretations of art, the impact of materials, processes, and techniques on art and art making, and understanding purpose and audience in art historical analysis.

The AP Art History course welcomes students into the global art world to engage with its forms and content as they research, discuss, read, and write about art, artists, art making, and responses to and interpretations of art. By investigating specific course content of 250 works of art characterized by diverse artistic traditions from prehistory to the present, the students develop in-depth, holistic understanding of the history of art from a global perspective. Students learn and apply skills of visual, contextual, and comparative analysis to engage with a variety of art forms, developing understanding of individual works and interconnections across history. - AP Art History Course and Exam Description, Effective Fall 2019

Level of Challenge: 4/5

AP Art History is the equivalent of a two-semester introductory college or university art history survey course.

Typical Homework Commitment: Minimum 2 hours per week, including extensive reading and writing.

AP Music Theory

Level: AP

Credit(s): 1

Semester(s): 2

Typical Grade Level: ANY if student has music experience.

Prerequisites: Must have 93% attendance or better. 2 years of instrument or vocal performance experience.

Musical aspects such as rhythm, harmony, form, ear training and meter are heavily studied. The ultimate goal of the course is to develop a student’s ability to recognize, understand, and describe the basic materials and processes of music that are heard or presented in a score. These concepts are address through listening to a wide variety of music. In an AP Music Theory course, students should be required to read, notate, write, sing, and listen to music. It is also strongly recommended that the student will have acquired at least basic performance skills in voice or on an instrument.

Level of Challenge: 4

Typical Homework Commitment: 2-5 hours (depends on students previous musical experiences)

AP Photo

Level: AP

Credit(s): 1

Semester(s): 2

Typical Grade Level: 10th - 12th

Prerequisites: Previous level Digital Imaging class with a A or B or better; Cs and lower must have a teacher recommendation/portfolio review. Must have 93% attendance or better.

Through this intensive introductory to intermediate course, students will explore both scientific and photographic art processes. The course will examine the historical, social and cultural aspects of photography as an art form and introduce varied styles and techniques. Basic digital processes will also be covered along with the appropriate terminology for this medium. A general orientation about the principles of art will be used to critique student work. 2D Design Portfolio is intended to address two-dimensional (2-D) design issues. Students submit portfolios for evaluation. The instructional goals of the AP Studio Art are to encourage creative and systematic investigation of formal and conceptual issues; emphasize art-making as an ongoing process in which the student makes informed and critical decisions; help students develop technical skills and understand the functions of visual elements; encourage students to become independent thinkers who contribute inventively and critically to their culture through the making of art.

Level of Challenge: 4

Rigorous digital art course which works with all levels to progress from beginning to advanced. Students will be expected to understand the Mac operating systems & Photoshop program. Students will be required to perform digital photo alteration and design compositions.

Typical Homework Commitment: Minimum 2 hours per week taking and composing photos or photo editing.

AP Sculpture

Level: AP

Credit(s): 1

Semester(s): 2

Typical Grade Level: 11th - 12th

Prerequisites: Sculpture I with a A or B or better; Cs and lower must have a teacher recommendation/portfolio review. Must have 93% attendance or better.

This course is a course with an emphasis on exploring new sculptural problems through both traditional and experimental media. Students will further develop their skills while investigating both additive and subtractive methods of construction. Each participant will begin to develop their own style and make clear aesthetic choices. The class will also examine contemporary sculpture by both local and international artists. A sketchbook and participation in class discussion and critique are required. Students will explore sculptural and functional forms in clay, using both hand-building (i.e. pinch, coil, slab) techniques and wheel throwing techniques through this introductory course. The class will examine historic and cultural traditions of this art form and investigate diverse styles and techniques. Standard glazing processes and a working knowledge of ceramics terminology will also be covered. 3D Design Portfolio is intended to address sculptural issues. Students submit portfolios for evaluation. The instructional goals of the AP Studio Art are to encourage creative and systematic investigation of formal and conceptual issues; emphasize art-making as an ongoing process in which the student makes informed and critical decisions; help students develop technical skills and understand the functions of visual elements; encourage students to become independent thinkers who contribute inventively and critically to their culture through the making of art.

Level of Challenge:

Typical Homework Commitment:

AP Drawing

Level: AP

Credit(s): 1

Semester(s): 2

Typical Grade Level: 11th & 12th (AC, 9-10th grade students can submit portfolio for review)

Prerequisites: Previous level Art I or Studio Painting & Drawing I with a A or B or better; Cs and lower must have a teacher recommendation/portfolio review. Must have 93% attendance or better.

AP Drawing Portfolio is intended to address a breadth of drawing techniques and media by creating works that each demonstrate synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas using drawing skills. Students submit a portfolio and physical works of art for evaluation. The instructional goals of the AP Studio Art are to encourage creative and systematic investigation of formal and conceptual issues, emphasize art-making as an ongoing process in which the student makes informed and critical decisions, help students develop technical skills and understand the functions of visual elements, and encourage students to become independent thinkers who contribute inventively and critically to their culture through the making of art.

All students enrolled will submit digital portfolios for evaluation and will be documenting their entire design process including brainstorming, practice, experimentation, and revision in order to show the development and refinement of 2D designs and chosen themes. Writing will be extensive throughout the duration of the course in order for a student to contextualize the ideas, materials, and processes used and expressed for each of their completed works and guided by the students own questions.

Level of Challenge: 3

Structured as a college-level course students enrolled in AP Drawing are expected to possess the rigor, diligence, and independent work ethic expected of an introductory college studio art class. Students will be expected to manage their time in order to fulfill portfolio deadlines including submission of images, writings, and project refinements. All projects will involve a great deal of continued work including development, building, critique, reflection, questioning, and refinement. Students will also be expected to participate in class demonstrations, discussions, and peer critiques.

The AP Art and Design course framework presents an inquiry-based approach to learning about and making art and design. Students are expected to conduct an in-depth, sustained investigation of materials, processes, and ideas. The framework focuses on concepts and skills emphasized within college art and design foundations courses with the same intent: to help students become inquisitive, thoughtful artists and designers able to articulate information about their work. AP Art and Design students develop and apply skills of inquiry and investigation, practice, experimentation, revision, communication, and reflection. - AP Art and Design Course and Exam Description, Effective Fall 2019

Typical Homework Commitment: 1-2 hours per week which can increase significantly around the time of portfolio submission in May.

Students are encouraged to purchase their own art supplies, as suggested in the syllabus, to utilize outside of class studio time in order to complete work.