PP FAR 91 Checklist

Private Pilot Checkride Checklist - FAR Part 91 - General Operating and Flight Rules

NB: The numbering/lettering for each item is taken directly from the FAR Part 91 - General Operating and Flight Rules: Subpart A, Subpart B, and Subpart C. Please note that this is not a complete list of applicable FARs. This is an abbreviated list of Part 91 FARs that are most relevant to typical Private Pilot operations. While you should read and become familiar with all of these FARs I have bolded a small subset that are particularly relevant to most flights, or are most commonly discussed in oral exams.

Check each box only after you have read and understand the associated FAR.

  • 91.3 Responsibility and authority of the pilot in command.
  • 91.5 Pilot in command of aircraft requiring more than one required pilot.
  • 91.7 Civil aircraft airworthiness.
  • 91.9 Civil aircraft flight manual, marking, and placard requirements.
  • 91.11 Prohibition on interference with crewmembers.
  • 91.13 Careless or reckless operation.
  • 91.15 Dropping objects.
  • 91.17 Alcohol or drugs.
  • 91.19 Carriage of narcotic drugs, marihuana, and depressant or stimulant drugs or substances.
  • 91.21 Portable electronic devices.
  • 91.25 Aviation Safety Reporting Program: Prohibition against use of reports for enforcement purposes.
  • 91.103 Preflight action.
  • 91.105 Flight crewmembers at stations.
  • 91.107 Use of safety belts, shoulder harnesses, and child restraint systems.
  • 91.109 Flight instruction; Simulated instrument flight and certain flight tests.
  • 91.111 Operating near other aircraft.
  • 91.113 Right-of-way rules: Except water operations.
  • 91.117 Aircraft speed.
  • 91.119 Minimum safe altitudes: General.
  • 91.121 Altimeter settings.
  • 91.123 Compliance with ATC clearances and instructions.
  • 91.125 ATC light signals.
  • 91.126 Operating on or in the vicinity of an airport in Class G airspace.
  • 91.127 Operating on or in the vicinity of an airport in Class E airspace.
  • 91.129 Operations in Class D airspace.
  • 91.130 Operations in Class C airspace.
  • 91.131 Operations in Class B airspace.
  • 91.133 Restricted and prohibited areas.
  • 91.135 Operations in Class A airspace.
  • 91.137 Temporary flight restrictions in the vicinity of disaster/hazard areas.
  • 91.139 Emergency air traffic rules.
  • 91.141 Flight restrictions in the proximity of the Presidential and other parties.
  • 91.143 Flight limitation in the proximity of space flight operations.
  • 91.144 Temporary restriction on flight operations during abnormally high barometric pressure conditions.
  • 91.145 Management of aircraft operations in the vicinity of aerial demonstrations and major sporting events.
  • 91.146 Passenger-carrying flights for the benefit of a charitable, nonprofit, or community event.
  • 91.147 Passenger carrying flights for compensation or hire.
  • 91.151 Fuel requirements for flight in VFR conditions.
  • 91.153 VFR flight plan: Information required.
  • 91.155 Basic VFR weather minimums.
  • 91.157 Special VFR weather minimums.
  • 91.159 VFR cruising altitude or flight level.
  • 91.203 Civil aircraft: Certifications required.
  • 91.205 Powered civil aircraft with standard category U.S. airworthiness certificates: Instrument and equipment requirements.
  • 91.207 Emergency locator transmitters.
  • 91.209 Aircraft lights.
  • 91.211 Supplemental oxygen.
  • 91.213 Inoperative instruments and equipment.
  • 91.215 ATC transponder and altitude reporting equipment and use.
  • 91.217 Data correspondence between automatically reported pressure altitude data and the pilot's altitude reference.
  • 91.225 Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Out equipment and use.