Non-Towered Airports

Operating at a non-towered airport ...


Key Points

You should read the references noted above for complete details. But condensed here are many of the key points for airplane operations. Note that this information applies to  airports without control towers or airports with control towers that are not operating. These airports are commonly referred to as non-towered or part-time-towered airports. Another term commonly used is “uncontrolled airport.”

General Operating Practices

Communications procedures

Refer to AIM section 4−1−9. Traffic Advisory Practices at Airports Without Operating Control Towers and FAA Non-Towered Airport Flight Operations, AC 90-66C for more information.

Recommended Standard Traffic Pattern

This information supplements the AIM, section 4-3-3, Traffic Patterns, FAA Non-Towered Airport Flight Operations, AC 90-66C, and the PHAK, Chapter 14.