AIM Helper

AIM - Aeronautical Information Manual

Aeronautical Information Manual - Official Guide to Basic Flight Information and ATC Procedures

This page is designed to help you browse the chapters and sections of the AIM without getting lost in the details of each section. To see further detail (the items within each section) simply go to the appropriate place within the PDF and browse from there.


  1. This overview is based on the October 12, 2017 version of the AIM available on the FAA website. (Backup version of 10-12-17 AIM.)
  2. The chapter and section links (eg, CH-1 or 1-1) take you to the appropriate page in the table of contents for that chapter or section. You should then be able to follow the PDF links in the table of contents of the PDF document itself.
  3. The text description links (eg, Navigation Aids) take you to the appropriate page for the actual content of that chapter or section.
  4. Not all PDF readers support opening a PDF to a particular page, but Adobe Reader does. If the AIM links below always open the AIM PDF to the first page, then you may need to change your browser's PDF reader. Here is a help page from Adobe that explains how to change your PDF reader in different browsers, including Safari.