Year 6 Individual Self Isolation Learning

Information from your teachers

We have provided a range of links to resources for you to use.

Spend an hour a day on English and and hour a day on maths

Spend at least an hour a day on one of the following subjects: science, computing, history, geography, art, music, Spanish.

Everyday, practise your spelling (Spelling Shed), reading and times tables (Times Table Rockstars)

Some daily exercise will also keep your mind and body healthy!

Please contact your teacher via email, but please remember that they are teaching all day and won't be able to respond during the school day.

Miss Keogh Miss Gatfield Miss Cox

Maths Learning Links

  1. Our new Maths online homework is MyMaths. You can access MyMaths by clicking the following link: MyMaths

You will need to enter the school details. Username: Coppice4 Password: cosine39

You will then need to enter our own details which you should have in your homework diary


  1. For extra reasoning and problem-solving, you can visit NRich and try some of their challenges. The link is: NRich Challenges


  1. Please also practise your times tables by visiting Times Table Rock Stars. The link is: Times Table Rock Stars (practise daily)

You should have your login details in your homework diary.


English Learning Links

Below are two Talk4Writing booklets. Choose a booklet and work your way through the activities for an hour a day.

  1. Click here to access the talk 4 writing unit 'Doors - a World of Possibility'. Work through the booklet at your own pace; I would expect this booklet to last you around one week - possibly a week and a day.

  2. You can also click here to access another booklet 'Gadgets'. While you may not be able to complete all of the activities in here, you should work through them at a pace of around 2 per day until you are able to return to school.

Reading Learning Links

Attached is a folder with some different reading comprehensions.

All the comprehensions include answers so mark your work yourself and let your teacher know how you have got on.

Reading comprehensions: myths and legends

Reading comprehensions: Mexico

Spelling Learning Links

You can practise your spellings on the spelling shed website by following the link below.

Spelling Shed

You should have your login details in the back of your homework diary.

Foundation Subjects Learning Links


At school, we are studying Light and Electricity. You can find information on this topic at any of the sites below.


  1. Visit Draw with Rob, choose a picture you'd like to draw and follow his step by step guides. The picture to the left is an example from last year's Year 6. You can find all of his videos at this link: Draw with Rob

  2. Explore the activities on AccessArt. There are plenty to choose from, including sketching and sculpture. You can browse these links here: Access Art


In geography, we are going to be learning about America.

At home, we would like if you could carry out some research about the USA (United States of America), and present it in any way that you like. That could be creating a poster, creating a PowerPoint presentation or making a 3D model.

You can find information to get started at the sites below:


Complete some of the activities from your computing lessons.

Internet legends

You also have a login for Purple Mash, which features a plethora of guided computing activities and tutorials. Contact your teacher if you're unsure of your login information.


The links below can be used to access lessons on the basics of music, such as pulse, rhythm and tone.

There are also lots of great videos at Derbyshire Hub, which you can get involved with by clicking this link: Derbyshire Music Hub