Year 3 Individual Self Isolation Learning

Information from Miss Keight, Miss Pugh and Mrs Perry

We're sorry you can't be in school with us at the moment but to keep you busy at home, we've provided a range of links to resources for you to use.

Whilst you're self-isolating, each day you should:

  • Spend an hour a day on your English work

  • Spend an hour on your maths work

  • Spend at least an hour a day on one of the following subjects: science, computing, history, geography, art, music, or Spanish.

  • Read your reading book

  • Complete any tasks set on Spelling Shed, My Maths, Times Table Rock Stars and Purple Mash

  • Some daily exercise will also keep your mind and body healthy!

If you have questions about your work please contact your teacher via phoning or emailing the school office, but please remember that we will be teaching all day and won't be able to respond during the school day.

Keep in touch and keep working hard!

Maths Learning Links

Each day, use the White Rose Maths resources. Once you have watched the video complete the question sheet. You can self-mark your work each day using the answer sheets provided.

Week Beginning 24th January

This week, we will be continuing our multiplication and division lessons from Spring term week 1.

Work your way through the lessons:

No worksheet.

Complete the activity along with the video.

Use the link above to login to Times Table Rock Stars and complete any activities set.

Use the link above to login to My Maths and complete any assignments that have been set for you by your class teacher.

English Learning Links

Click on the picture of the Marvellous Monsters to access the booklet.

Then complete the work set in the Marvellous Monsters booklet.

You may find it easier to download and save the booklet.

Spelling Learning Links

Use the Spelling Shed link button and complete any assignments that have been set for you by your class teacher.

This week, our new spelling pattern is:

words ending with /z/ spelled <ze> and <se>

Ask your parents to read the teaching notes at the beginning of the activities.

You can complete the activities yourself.

Spelling activities

Knowledge Organisers

Science - Forces and Magnetism

Geography - What is it like to live in Italy?

Curriculum Learning Links


This week we are still investigating Forces and Magnetism .

Click on the link below to take part in the lesson - How does a compass work?


This week we are continuing to learn about Italy and answering the question - What's it like to live in Italy?

Watch the two videos below and then use books of the internet to find out some interesting facts about Italy. You could use these facts to create a poster, a fact file or a presentation.


This week, we have been exploring Mythical Creatures. Go through the PowerPoint below to learn about the different types of Mythical Creatures there are. After that, we would like you to sketch your own Mythical Creature. It could have the head of one animal and the body of another. Be as creative as you like and don't forget to use some of the sketching techniques that we learnt last half term.

Mythical Creatures

This is Miss Keight's Mythical Creature!

It has the neck and head of a giraffe, the beak and wings of a bird and a tail of a whale. It also has snakes as its hair!

Computing Learning Links

Use the Purple Mash link button and complete the assignments that have been set for you by your teacher.

Physical Exercise Learning Links

This week, we are continuing to look at fitness and are completing circuits of different exercises. Click on the links below to complete one of the Joe Wicks workouts.