Year 1 

Information from your teachers

We have provided a range of links to resources for you to use.

Spend an hour a day on English and and hour a day on maths.

Spend  at least an hour a day on one of the following subjects: science, computing, history, geography, art, music.

Some daily exercise will also keep your mind and body healthy!

English Learning Links

Can you retell the story of Goldilocks and the three bears? 

You could create your own puppets to support your story telling or write your own version of the story? Can Goldilocks and the bears become friends? 

Reading Learning Links

Phonics Play  click here

Spelling Learning Links

Phonics Bloom  Click here 

Foundation Learning Links

The Great British Year   click here

Purple Mash - Three Bears Chairs to do.  Add your full name at the bottom of your picture.