Reception Individual Self Isolation Learning

Information from your teachers

We have provided a range of links to resources for you to use.

We have provided some activities linked to Phonics and Maths, for your child to complete during your time at home.

Some daily exercise will also keep your mind and body healthy!

Please contact your teacher via email, but please remember that they are teaching all day and won't be able to respond during the school day.

RF The Oak Tree Class Mrs Flynn:

RH The Willow Tree Class Mrs Russell:

RL The Elm Tree Class Mrs Davenall:

Communication and Language

Learning Links

Nursery rhymes

  1. Sing your favourite nursery rhyme everyday and then choose one to learn!

Concept Cat

2. Choose and learn a new concept with Concept Cat! Choose one new word to learn. Then tell the story using a character you have at home.

Physical Development

Learning Links

Cosmic Kids Yoga

  1. Choose one routine to follow to develop your child's gross motor skills.

Dough Disco!

2. Choose one routine to follow to develop your child's fine motor skills.


Learning Links

White Rose

2. White Rose Maths EYFS- Choose any of the Light and Dark Week 1-3 sessions. These will recap previous learning from our Family Time sessions. (Updated: 29.11.21)


Learning Links

Sounds-Write activities

  1. Sounds-Write activities to do at home. Choose one page to complete each day up to page number 11. You can be creative if you do not have a printer and create each page using post-it notes or paper and pens.

Sounds -Write App

2. Download the Sounds-Write App (only iPad). Play the games from unit 1-3.

Expressive Arts and Design

Learning Links

Go Noodle

1. Choose a routine to follow and learn. Can you create your own routine and teach a family member?

BBC Music

2. Get started with Play It! and explore the different elements that make up a song, play or clap along with the music and make then listen back to your own version of songs.

Understanding the World

Learning Links