Nursery Individual Self Isolation Learning

Communication and Language Learning Links

Fine Motor Activities

Below are some ideas for some fine motor activities where your child can continue practising their crocodile fingers (pincer grip).

Threading pasta onto straws! You could even thread cheerios onto dry spaghetti.

Using an cotton bud, see if your child can paint dots over their name.

Wrap some animals in elastic bands or hair bobbles. Can your child then help the animals escape!

Can your child use their crocodile fingers to peg up some clothes?


  • I wonder if you can find any pairs at home. Go on a hunt around the house to if you can find any pairs such as, a pair of socks and a pair of shoes. I wonder how many pairs you can find altogether!

  • You could also play I-spy. I wonder if you can find anything around the house starting with the 'S' sound. You could find some socks, slippers, sunglasses. I wonder what else you could find.

  • If you have any building blocks at home you could build a tower. I wonder how tall you can build your tower. Can you make a taller/ shorter one.

  • Can you share a story with someone in your family. I wonder where the story is set? I wonder who the characters are? Enjoy!

  • In the garden, can you find three sticks and order them by length. Which is the longest/shortest? You could even do this inside with three teddies. I wonder which teddy is the tallest and which is the shortest.

  • You could make a boat out of an old container. Try sailing it in some water. Does it float/sink? Try putting something inside your boat, does it still float?