Course Structure

One 4-credit course or four 1-credit courses.

In its entirety, the present course can represent the equivalent of a 4-credit course, or as the MEQ defines such, a 100-hour course. The total of hours is subdivided into 4 smaller learning/exploration units. Each unit constitutes approximately 25 hours of activities, each with a separate course code. In this way, learners and mentors/teachers can engage with as little as one unit, or as many as four, earning one credit upon completion of each unit. These AGE credits are listed as local or institutional courses in various subject areas, which can be linked to optional credits for the acquisition of a high school diploma.

Self-reflection in the context of nation and community

This is a general outline of the topics that can be covered. However, it is important to assure that the material is presented in such a way as to reflect the reality of an individual’s ability to deal with self-reflection, as well as the nation’s and community’s perspectives and teachings. It is strongly recommended to invite community members and professionals to present and support learning activities.

Journaling in a safe space

Since this is a journey of self-discovery, it is also recommended that participants maintain a journal throughout each of the units of the course. Journal entries (thoughts, ideas, feelings, drawings, etc.) can be shared with others, within a safe environment, such as a Talking Circle. Sharing with others is encouraged, but not mandatory. From the beginning of a unit, it can also be decided if the journal can be made part of the overall evaluation for the unit. For example, evaluation, could be based on the end of course assignments, but also on the journal entries (i.e. 50-50).

It is crucial that no judgements be made upon these entries, and that confidentiality of the contents be maintained. However, should concerns arise, it will be important to reach out to community resources and individuals (organizational and traditional) to assure the well-being and safety of the participants.