Year 3


Time to finish our Impasto project by painting in the backgrounds. Just look at how incredible the results are!


Our Year 3's have been introduced to Wayne Thiebaud an American painter who is known for his style of painting thickly.

This week we used our skills from the previous week's lesson of "directly observing" but this time using real fruit and veg. The children will paint in the impasto style next week. Today they focused on the line and shape of their food item.

Apples + Value

Using our knowledge of the art element value, our Year 3's were challenged to draw an apple using Graphite Pencils by following a live demo by Ms Gorringe.


The Year 3's have upgraded from their finger painted foods with acrylic paint, to wonderful cake slices in soft pastels. Using their knowledge of art elements, they used their direct observational skills to accurately draw their cake slice using, texture, colour, form and most importantly VALUE! We had some amazing responses from our young artists and the results speak for themselves!

Intro to Value

Before we continue on our topic of Food Glorious Food, the Year 3's have had a special lesson dedicated to understanding the art element, Value. By using high quality pencils and charcoal, our superstar Year 3's turned an ordinary circle into a sphere by using value. Value is the defining factor by how light or dark a colour or hue can be.

Let's feast!

This week, students are forgoing paintbrushes for fingers! Using acrylic paint the Year 3's are showing us what some of their favourite foods are. Creating as much realistic texture of their various foods to accurately portray broccoli to spaghetti. This is a new challenge as they learn how to mix new colours to match the foods.