Resources / Guides

First Time Setup: Quick Steps

Login to MacBook:

On the login screen of the MacBook, input the same username and password as you would with your previous Thinkpad!

Login to Apple ID:

Find and open the System Settings app found on your MacBooks Dock (bottom of screen). Locate the Sign into Apple ID option in the top-left corner. Use your full Concord email and same password as your previous Thinkpad/Google password!

Login to Chrome

Find and open the Chrome app found on your MacBooks Dock (bottom of screen). Upon opening Chrome for the first time, it will ask you to Sign In. Select this option and use your full Concord email and same password as before. You will be prompted to multifactor authenticate so have your phone on hand as well!

Wirelessly Displaying / Monitor Settings:

MacBook Basics:

Application Management:

Managing Multiple Desktops: