Pear Deck

Using Pear Deck in the Classroom

Pear Deck is an interactive presentation tool that allows students to be engaged with their daily classroom lessons.  Below are some suggestions of ways you can use Pear Deck in your classroom, along with templates.  All of the templates can be customized and modified  to meet your needs.


Copy of Pear Deck Templates: Math

Creating math problems, solving math equations and helping students in real time for are great ways to use Pear Deck in the classroom.  

Social Studies

Copy of Pear Deck Templates: Social Studies

Adding to timelines, responding to discussion questions, and map labeling are just some of the ways Pear Deck can be used in a Social Studies classroom.


Copy of ELA Templates

In ELA, students can respond to text, create story maps, compare/contrast, annotate text and more.  

Social Emotional Learning

Copy of Pear Deck Templates: Social-Emotional Learning

Pear Deck can be used to gauge social emotional learning needs in the classroom.  Since it is private, students may feel more secure in sharing their answers with the teacher. 


Copy of Science Templates

For a Science class, students can create graphs, label, create hypothesis, record observations, and make comparisons.  

Primary Students

Copy of Pear Deck Templates: For Littles (Grades K-2)

Younger students can use Pear Deck as well!  Tasks such as letter/word recognition, addition/subtraction problems, as well as utilizing the audio feature is perfect for primary students!

To find more resources like these, visit:

How To Videos

How to Obtain the Pear Deck Add On

What is Pear Deck?

Making Google Slides Interactive

Using Templates in Pear Deck

Creating a Student Paced Pear Deck

Creating an Instructor Paced Pear Deck

Teacher Dashboard for Instructor Led Pear Deck

Teacher Dashboard for Student Paced Pear Deck

Export Student Responses to a Google Sheet