
Using EdPuzzle in the Classroom

EdPuzzle is a tool that allows teachers to create interactive videos for students.  Questions can be embedded throughout videos, offering a quick way to assess understanding of various skills and topics.   Below are just a few ways you can use EdPuzzle in your classroom.

Recorded Google Meet

Your recorded Google Meetings can be uploaded to EdPuzzle.  You may include quick check questions as a way to ensure continues learning on days off. 

Create Your Own

As you create videos for your students to view in class, consider putting them in EdPuzzle.  Screencastify and EdPuzzle integrate very easily.  Watch how to do this here.

Student Made EdPuzzles

By assigning Student Projects, students can find and create their own EdPuzzle videos.  They can add questions and completed projects can be viewed by the teacher all in EdPuzzle.

Smekens Writing

By adding Smekens Writing videos from YouTube, you can quickly engage your students in the writing process by adding open ended and interactive questions.


EdPuzzle is a great way to connect with students on topics that touch on social matters.  The privacy allows students to answer more freely.


EdPuzzle videos can be easily modified for students that need translation, content read to them, or questions worded differently.   

How To Videos

Edpuzzle Getting Started Tour

Adding Google Classroom Roster

Adding Questions to YouTube Videos

Adding Your Own Videos

Finding and Using Content Already Made in Edpuzzle

Assigning to Google Classroom

How to check Student Progress

Using the Gradebook

Managing Your Class