SEND Support
Useful links, support and information for parents/carers of SEND children
Please have a look at this flyer and time table from Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service.
I have highlighted in yellow the support they offer for parents with children who have SEND that some of you may find useful.
SEND Coffee Morning Resources.
We would like to say a big 'thank you' to all of you that attended out first SEND coffee morning at Collingwood Primary school. We hope you found it beneficial and that the resources we gave out are proving useful.
If you were unable to attend the coffee morning, please see the resources below which were handed out to all attendees.
We are hoping to host another coffee morning in the New Year and we look forward to seeing you all then.
Five tips to support the after-school ‘meltdown’
Picture the scene: your child comes out of school and the teacher says they’ve behaved like the perfect child all day, but the moment you get home they have a complete meltdown. Your child screams, shouts, lashes out, sulks or generally acts in an unruly manner.
Click on the button below to read about how to support the after-school 'meltdown'.
Do you need help with supporting your child with potty training or their toileting needs?
The following button will take you to information and resources to help with potty training, toileting and children's bowel and bladder conditions for children with additional needs.
Exploring Autism: 8 week course for parents and carers who have children recently diagnosed with autism, or who are on the diagnoses journey.
SEND 4 All is a not-for-profit community organisation supporting families of SEND children in the local area. They hold monthly support groups where they can talk to you and signpost you to the right professional services.
Click on the button above to access your downloadable copy of 'Supporting Your Neurodiverse Child'