Reading Resources

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Creative Writing

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Best PRactices while REading

You know this already, but strong readers constantly think about the following. Set a goal for at least 20 mintues a day!

Challenge: Writing/Speaking Prompts!

Use these prompts as fun and creative ways to reflect on your reading.

Create a Narrative that Shifts Your Favorite Scene to a Different Character’s Point of View

Guidelines: Must be true to the details of the real story & convey thoughts and feelings that are true to the new character!

Example: A narrative that tells the murder of Tybalt by Romeo from Romeo and Juliet from the perspective of Tybalt.

Create a Narrative Where you Make a Prequel Chapter

Guidelines: Must be true to the themes and characters featured in your story and hint at what happens in the book.

Example: A narrative where Katniss Everdeen meets Peeta for the First time when she is caught stealing from his bakery.

Create a Narrative Where You Write a Sequel Chapter

Guidelines: Must be true to the details of the real story & convey thoughts and feelings that are true to the new character!

Example: A narrative about Katniss’ daughter discovering how to fire a bow and arrow.

Create a Narrative where you Rewrite a Scene Changing the Setting or Identity of the Main Characters

Guidelines: Must show the impact of the changed setting and identity.

Example: A narrative where Romeo and Juliet takes place in modern in modern New Orleans with students from Collegiate.

Create a Letter Where You Criticize the Author for their Portrayal (or Lack of Portrayal!) of a Certain Group of People

Guidelines: Must explain how author’s portrayal contributed to stereotypes/ positioned groups of people as victims/ elevated certain groups over others.

Example: A letter that begins with... "Dear Ernest Hemingway, the way you portray indigenous people in The Short and Happy Life of Francis Macomber is problematic…” and explain that critique with evidence from the text.

Create a Literary Essay comparing themes from this book to a book we have read in class

Guidelines: Must name themes from both texts & explicitly cite techniques that each other used

Example: An essay that explains how the authors of Parable of the Sower and The Hate you Give use different techniques to explore the relationship between power and race.

Create a Literary Essay comparing characters from this book to a book we have read in class

Guidelines: Must describe the similarities and differences between characters as well as craft moves the author uses to portray them that way

Example: An essay that explains how Daenareusus Targaryen in Winds of Winter fulfills the same archetype as Macbeth in Shakespears’ play of the same title.

Write a Nonfiction Article that Teaches Your Reader About the Most Important Historical Event or Current Social Issue that is In Your Book

Guidelines: Use Timeline, Types, or Questions structure to inform a reader (ex: a timeline of protests, types of protests, questions one might have about protests)

Example: An article giving the timeline of the Black Lives Matter movement following the police brutality scene in The Hate You Give.

Write a Fake Non-Fiction Article That Teachers Your Reader about the Imaginary World Your Story

Guidelines: Use Timeline, Types, or Questions structure to inform a reader (ex: a timeline of protests, types of protests, questions one might have about protests)

Example: A history of the different districts and the Capital of The Hunger Games.