Meet your Future Teachers!

Mr. Ang - Science Teacher  Principles of Engineering & Intro to Engineering

Mr. Swanson - Science Teacher - STEM Exploration: ESPORTS

Mr. Singh - Science Teacher MESA Advisor

Mrs. Reali - 


Please watch the video below

The Academy of Engineering and Green Technology (AEGT) provides you with an advanced rigorous curriculum in all core subjects with a focus on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) that connects to the real-world and prepares you to go on to college and an exciting career. You will be the next generation of STEM innovators - seeking solutions that improve the quality of life in our community and the world.

Is Engineering for YOU?

Do you enjoy …

Engineers work in many areas:

If you answer yes to most of these questions, consider engineering as a career.


Engineers design and create technology in many areas from farm equipment to roads and buildings, from the chemicals in foods to computers and software, from environmentally-friendly energy to cars and airplanes of the future, and countless other fields. The desk you sit in, the sidewalk you walk on, the earbuds you listen with, and the controller you hold were all designed by engineers. Would you like to be a part of this?

Orosi HS - Robotics (2).pdf

What will be different about these classes in Engineering? ·     

What classes will I take?


In addition to your core classes, you will take electives like:


Additionally, in your senior class, you will work with a team of other students and business partners in a capstone course to apply your learning and experience on a real-world project designed by you.