Non-CNU Programs Budget Estimation (Mobile)

This tool allows you to estimate your expected spending budget and CNU Program Costs. The goal of this form is to assist students and families to plan for the expected financial elements of an abroad experience.  This form is designed as an organizational tool and is not intended to reflect the actual total costs. 

Using the Calculator

By default, each category is set to 0, with the exception of the CNU Study Abroad Fee, which is $150.

Consider the spending budget sources and estimated costs associated with studying abroad. When you have a figure in mind, replace the "0" with the estimated amount for each category in both the Estimated Spending Budget Sources and Estimated CNU Program Costs sections of the calculator . For example, if you estimate that you will receive $3,000 from your family, replace the "0" in the Family Funds category with "3000".  You can learn more about the different categories in the Glossary of Terms below. 

The Budget Surplus/Deficit category has three potential results: 

If you receive this result, that means that you have estimated that your CNU program costs are greater than your spending budget. The value in the Remaining Funds box will be a negative number to represent the amount of funds you need to make up the difference. 

This result means that you have estimated that your spending budget is greater than your CNU program costs. The value in the Remaining Funds box will be a positive number to represent the amount of extra funding you have. 

This means that you have estimated that your CNU program costs equal your spending budget. The value in the Remaining Funds box will be $0.

Begin a New Estimation

To start a new estimation, refresh this webpage.  The values will return to their default settings.

Glossary of Terms

Estimated Spending Budget Sources

Personal Savings: The amount of savings you have in your personal bank account(s). 

Family Funds: The amount of money your family member(s) will contribute to your study abroad program. This could be your parents, grandparents, cousins, siblings, etc.!

CNU Scholarships: The amount of money you will receive from CNU to study abroad. This could be a scholarship from PLP, Honors, etc. 

CNU Study Abroad Office Scholarships: The amount of money you will receive from the CNU Study Abroad Office specifically. This could be any scholarship our office directly provides, such as the Captains Abroad Scholarship.

Non-CNU Scholarships: The amount of money you will receive from scholarships outside of CNU. This includes scholarships like ProjectGo, The Gilman Scholarship, Fund for Education Abroad, etc. 

Other Sources:  Any other source of income that does not fit into the categories listed above. This could be financial aid assistance, on-campus job income, etc. 

Estimated Non-CNU Program Costs

CNU Study Abroad Fee: The fee our office charges for students to study abroad. This fee helps us to keep our scholarships active and provide fun events for you to learn more about study abroad opportunities!

Program Fee: The program fee set by your program. For instructions on how to pay this fee, please refer to the program’s website for more details.

Tuition & Fees: The cost of the academic credit taken during the study abroad. Tuition & Fees are charged to the CNU STUDENT ACCOUNTS via CNU LIVE. 

Passport: The amount of money you will need to spend to get your passport renewed or apply for the first time. This includes the application fees and any travel expenses you might incur to apply for the passport - you can learn more about this at Travel.State.Gov.

Visa: The amount of money you will need to spend to get your student visa. This includes the application fees and any travel expenses you might incur to apply for the visa- you can learn more about visa requirements by country. If you are unsure if your program requires a visa, please contact us!

Health-related expenses:  The amount of money you will spend on immunizations, insurance, and any other expenses related to staying healthy abroad. 

Books and materials: The amount of money you will spend on course materials for the class abroad, such as notebooks, textbooks, etc. 

Meals: Money for snacks and/or meals while you are abroad. If you are unsure how much to budget, we recommend contacting your program for more information.

Travel Insurance: Students are encouraged to research and decide if travel and trip cancellation insurance is a benefit they wish to purchase. This type of insurance can provide financial support for non-refundable expenses should your travel be interrupted, cancelled or delayed.  Some coverage will include loss or delay of baggage, lost or stolen goods, and additional add-ons. 

Airfare: The amount you will spend on your flights to your program and back to the U.S. If you plan to  travel to additional destinations during your free time, you should include anticipated costs for those extra trips as well.

Local transportation: Money for transportation such as taxi rides, bus fares, train tickets, etc.

Housing: The amount of money you will spend on housing, such as an apartment, homestay, dorm room, etc. Sometimes this fee is included in your program fee - please check with your program for details.

Personal Expenses: Money for personal items such as souvenirs, gifts, travel pillows, etc. 

Miscellaneous:  Any expense that you anticipate you will need that does not fit into the categories above. This could include an emergency fund, money for a specific activity while abroad, etc. 

Comparison to Cost of a Semester at CNU

In some cases, it is actually CHEAPER to study abroad than attend classes in-person at CNU!

Students studying abroad only need to pay CNU for tuition; the other associated expenses (Comprehensive Fees, Student Room Fee, Meal Plan, Housing Telecommunications Fee) are not billed to your CNU account while you are studying abroad for the semester. Non-CNU program fees are paid directly to the program and are NOT billed via your CNU account.

Here is a breakdown of the average cost to attend CNU for a semester to compare to the results in this estimation: 

In-State Costs (2023 - 2024)

Out-of-State Costs (2023 - 2024)

You can learn more about Tuition and Fees at