Search by Location (Mobile)

Navigation Tips

Search by One Location

Click on the image of the country in the map.


Type the name of the country in the search box. If you use the search box, click on the grey "ONLY" button to filter by one country.

Search by Multiple Locations

  1. Click the grey checkbox at the top of the "Country/Countries" box. The blue boxes with checkmarks below will disappear from view.

  2. Tap the "Type to Search" box.

  3. Search for the name of the first country you'd like to learn more about.

  4. When the country name appears, tap on white space directly to the left of the country name. A blue box with a check mark will appear to indicate your selection.

  5. Tap the "Type to Search" box to search for the next country you'd like to learn more about.

  6. Click the grey "X" button on the right to clear the search box.

  7. Repeat steps 3-6 until you have selected all of the countries you are interested in.

Begin a New Search

To start a new search, refresh this webpage.