Ski News 3 - Final details

The tabs at the top of the page are for you to look at any previous news that has been sent out to the school.  

The teachers in charge of the trip are Paul Miller and Julia Cunningham please follow us on twitter for all updates of the week - @Newman_Trips



Hotel Olympic Centre

Frazione San Sicario 57

Cesana Torinese

10054 Italy

Tel. 00390122811513

As we are fast approaching the ski trip it is important that you read the final arrangements below.  

If you have bought or hired clothing on the ski night please can you ask your child to collect it at 1:30 - 2:05 (lunchtime) on Friday 26th January in the Admin Office. Here are the details of the ski hire company should you have any queries with them:

Snow Union Limited

Dragonfly Cottage, Bulmer

Sudbury, Essex, CO10 7EW

07867 420043

Dates and times


We would like you to drop your child off on Saturday 10th February at 12:00 midday at the Sixth Form college gates.  Please do not arrive any earlier and do not park in the bus stops on the Upper Drive.  Unfortunately, parents will not be allowed on site due to safeguarding and space in the college.  Please say your goodbyes at the college gates.  Students will leave their main bags outside the college building taking their hand luggage including passport and G(E)HIC where they will be directed into a classroom to be registered, given their coach number and hand in any medication.  Passports will be checked by their designated Coach Leader.  They will then stay in the classroom supervised until it is time to depart. We will have twitter updates when we arrive and throughout the week and more details of returns depending on delays etc. @Newman_Trips


Without a European Health Insurance card or the card reference number emailed from application your child will not be allowed to travel

Outward journey

The coach travels during the night from Newhaven to France and into Italy. (The actual route will be decided by the drivers according to road conditions and traffic). They will use motorways for most of the journey and the two drivers will swap at regular intervals. We will stop a number of times during the journey where students may get off the coach, they must stay in groups of 3 and will be told by the coach leader information on the stop.


Seats on the coach will be allocated and must be kept for the entire journey. Travel tablets will be handed to students who suffer from travel sickness

(you must bring your own tablets and hand the remainder to a member of staff on your coach).

We should all arrive in the resort during Sunday afternoon. Students should wait quietly while the luggage and rooms are sorted.  This year the rooming is particularly tight as we are sharing the hotel with another small school party from the UK. Thus we have tried to give everyone a room when asked about this at the student briefing, students that were unable to attend their friends have completed for them and we have checked this with them.  Rooms will be checked for damage/faults on arrival. All subsequent damage will have to be paid for.

Return Journey

We will return to Newman College on Sunday 18th February at approximately 11.30 - 3.00pm students will contact you when they arrive in Dover.  Again please DO NOT PARK IN THE BUS STOPS.


Please be aware that they will return to school on Tuesday 20th due to an Inset day on Monday 19th February.


All medication should be handed in by your child when they register in the classroom.  It must be in a labelled envelope with name, medication and dosage.  This includes spare inhalers and two spare in date epi-pens if needed.  Please there are some students/staff that have severe nut and sesame seed allergies and therefore we are stating that no nuts of any type should brought on this trip.

Travel sickness

Travel tablets will be handed to students who suffer from travel sickness (you must bring your own tablets and hand the remainder to a member of staff on your coach).


Students are permitted to take their mobile phone with them.  However, we will be following a similar policy as when in school ie. students have mobile phones on them but they are not seen.  If a student wishes to take a photo of scenery they must ask the adult attached to their ski group. Students phones and Ipad's will be collected in every evening and returned to students before breakfast.  We have decided that we want students to get a good nights sleep and access to these during the night impacts on students mental health.  The phones can be charged overnight using their power pack.  Therefore, please can you make sure that your child's phone, charger lead, Ipad/tablet and power pack are all clearly labelled  The school will take no responsibility of lost or broken, stolen or vandalised phones.  It is also important to consider the daily charges for using the mobile phone abroad as these can be up to £15.00 a day.  If students want to take a scenic photo with a friend in it they MUST ask their permission first.

Students are not allowed to communicate on Social Media of any type.  Students were talked through these rules at their student briefing.  Please can you reinforce this with your child(ren).  This was very clearly explained to all students at their relevant briefings.


All the food and evening activities are included in the cost of the trip and students will not need much spending money. They will only need to 

buy extra snacks and drinks in the resort. This expense can be kept to a minimum if you pack snacks in their luggage for the week. 

Students will only need around £50.00 - £70.00 worth of Euros, some students spent no money on previous years.  

Students are responsible for looking after their own money.


Food en-route will be expensive if purchased from service stations.  In addition, a supply of Mars Bars etc. can make a useful morning snack 

on the slopes; they cost more when travelling through France/Italy. Please be aware that some students on the trip have a severe 

nut allergy/allergy to sesame seeds, please do not pack any nut-based products.



Several students have indicated an allergy to feather pillows.  The resort representative recommends that in this instance students take their own 

pillow since these can also be useful for a comfortable night’s sleep on the coach.



Students must bring their own towels for washing and swimming (no white towels please).  We have also been asked to pass on that parents 

should ensure their child has an antibacterial hand cleaning gel with them and that this should be used frequently, but essentially before meals

 and after visiting the bathroom.  The chances of an outbreak of an illness are small but these measures will reduce the chances still further. As 

mentioned at the parent’s information meeting sharing of items at the present time is not recommended, they can however bring a spare towel.



The coaches all have DVD players and we will need a selection of films to make the journey more enjoyable. DVDs of suitable films should be 

clearly labelled with the film title plus your name and then taken with you in your hand luggage.  Teachers will organise the showing of these on 

the coaches.  Students may take a personal iPod/Pad (headphones only, no speakers) but are not permitted to take them onto the ski slopes. 

Please note staff attending the ski trip cannot take responsibility for lost/broken items and will not have the time to look for them.  It is the 

responsibility of the students to look after their possessions.

Hand Luggage

Please ensure that it is a small bag that can be stored on the overhead shelf, if it is a large bag and you put it by your feet there will be little room for your comfort.

To include in hand luggage


If you need to speak to your child in an emergency, then please leave a message with the hotel and we will get back to you as soon as possible.  

We are encouraging students to not use their mobile phone during the trip.


Or contact the party leaders only in a emergency, please do not call to advise us that your child has lost an item (this is not an emergency).

Mr Miller +447789 225400

Miss Cunningham +447968 752590


SCHOOL EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBER in Italy is +447834 001036 - Mrs Byrd

Our UK emergency contact number will be sent out once confirmed



Hotel Olympic Centre

Frazione San Sicario 57

Cesana Torinese

10054 Italy

Tel. +39 333 346 6344



All of the evening entertainment is included in the cost. The Entertainment Programme consists of Ice Skating, Bum Boarding, Swimming, Quiz night, 

Games night, Disco, Snow Park, and other hotel/Restaurant based activities. Swimming may be a reserve activity so it is worth taking swimwear. The 

evening entertainment programme is at this stage only planned and not promised. Outside influences such as weather, and road conditions etc

can affect this programme.



Students will need to keep the following items in their hand luggage: 

Please remember that space on the coach will be very tight so it would be preferable if students have holdall bags rather than suitcases. If suitcases 

have to be used then please keep them as small as possible. Swimming if we are able to use the facilities  - Italian guidelines are, baggy shorts 

will not be allowed in the pool they need tight shorts/speedos and swimming costume for girls not a bikini. 



We will have an emergency evacuation briefing soon after arrival. We will be the only school party in the hotel, there will be a night porter and 

security on duty at all times.


Kit list - Please see the Ski News 2 by clicking on the tab above or if using a mobile device click on the side bar at the top left of this page



difficult to obtain – do not lose your ski pass (a replacement will cost you about £80.00)




Please see a reminder of the kit list below, we would strongly advise you to name as many items as possible especially gloves.  It is compulsory to name any phones/Ipads/tablets/charge leads and power packs if students are taking them.

What to take

Ski Wear General

Ski Jacket Warm Casual Clothes

Salopettes Trainers or indoor shoes

Ski Gloves Underwear and socks

Ski Goggles Towel/s

Sun glasses and/or Goggles Swimsuit (not bikini)

2 or 3 pairs of ski socks (one pair must be in their hand luggage) Trunks (no shorts/Speedo style)

2 or 3 T-shirts/Polo neck shirts Lip salve and sun cream toiletries

2 warm fleece sweatshirts or jumpers Notebook and pen  

Thermal underwear (optional in case the weather gets very cold) Purse/wallet

        Small bag for hand luggage  

Optional Items Currency

Camera (named) Antibacterial hand Gel

IPads/tablet (named) Swimming Hat

Books/small games

Hair dryer  

Travel plug

Snow boots