Parents Evening Tuesday 12 December

Please see below the information regarding the Ski Trip information evening on Tuesday December 12th. The timings of the evenings are shown below but please be aware of the following.

5.00pm Lecture Theatre

There will be a talk from Mark Rea from Snow Union. Snow union is a ski clothing hire company that can offer high quality ski clothing for hire or purchase. This would be useful if your child has not been skiing before and you are unsure on what clothing is needed. (Please note that this is a service that we offer parents and the company and its advice is independent from the School. No commission is paid to the school for any clothing hired or purchased. There are plenty of other retailers where ski clothing can be obtained. Please be aware though, quality is important when it comes to ski jackets and salopettes especially)

5.30pm College Student Common room café

Snow Union will be downstairs in the café for you to complete any orders or get further advice.

6.00pm Newman College Lecture Theatre

Main ski trip talk to parents and students in Year 8. This talk will be held by Mr Miller party Leader, Miss Cunningham, assistant party Leader and a representative from Select Ski (tour company)

7.00pm Newman College Lecture Theatre

Main ski trip talk to parents and students in Years 9-13. This talk will be held by Mr Miller (party Leader, Miss Cunningham, assistant party Leader and a representative from Select Ski (tour company)

Any time from 5.30pm to 8.00pm Newman College Library

All Students need to bring their passports and EHIC cards so we can check details and record the information where necessary.

If you have any queries please email

PLEASE NOTE - All payments should be fully paid by now, any cancellations will need to be in writing and medical certificates/letters will need to be provided to make an insurance claim.

Ski Hoodies can be ordered on the following link: