Parents Evening slides 

13th December 2023 

The Ski Trip Leaders are Mr Miller and Ms Cunningham, if you need to contact them please email

To see all correspondence that has been sent out over the last few months please click on the tabs at the top of the page, if you are viewing from a mobile device please click on the 3 lines near the top left 'side bar' to see the tabs to toggle between.

Thank you to those parents/carers that came along to the meeting last night.  Please see the slides below as a reminder of what we spoke about.

If you were unable to attend the meeting please can you arrange for the passport and Global Insurance Health Card (GHIC) to be brought into the Admin Office opposite CF11 (Cashman Building).  If you need to apply for a new GHIC you can order it on  these are free of charge.  Please note students will not be able to travel without this.  Contact the Visits Office if you have any issues 

parents evening presentation 2024

There was a talk from Mark Rea from Snow Union. Snow union is a ski clothing hire company that can offer high quality ski clothing for hire or purchase. This would be useful if your child has not been skiing before and you are unsure on what clothing is needed.  (Please note that this is a service that we offer parents and the company and its advice is independent from the School. No commission is paid to the school for any clothing hired or purchased. There are plenty of other retailers where ski clothing can be obtained. Please be aware though, quality is important when it comes to ski jackets and salopettes especially)

Details of the The Ski Union Company for hiring or selling ski clothing and accessories can be found on the following link: