Ski News 2

Sat 10th - Sun 18th February 2024

The teachers in charge of the Ski Trip is Mr Miller and Ms Cunningham, email

With only a few months to go we are fast approaching our exciting trip to Sansicario Italy and this Newsletter contains vital information for the forthcoming trips. On receipt of this newsletter parents should ensure they have done the following:


Travel details

We will be given the exact times of departure nearer the time but the approximate timings are departure Saturday 10th February 4.00pm – Return Sunday 18th February 2024 2.00pm

Ski Trip Payments

The final balance for the School Trip should be paid by Friday 3rd November 2023. This date is set by the travel company and not the school. please email if there are any issues with this.  Unfortunately, if we do not receive the full payment by this date then we cannot guarantee a place on the ski trip 2024.


By now your child’s name and details have been given to the Travel Company the following penalties apply:

Period before departure within which written notice of cancellation is received. Amount of cancellation charge shown as % of tour price.

More than 13 weeks prior to departure - Friday 10th November 2023 *** Loss of deposit paid 

Between 6 weeks and 13 weeks prior to departure - Sat 11th November - Friday 29 Dec 70% (loss of £787.50 plus £20 admin fee)

Between 2 and 6 weeks before departure - Sat 30th December - Fri 26th January 85% (loss of £956.25 plus £20 admin fee)

Within 2 weeks of departure – Sat 27th January - Sat 10th February 100% 

*** Important note: The cancellation schedule applies only to the tour price of a passenger withdrawing from the trip. There may be additional charges in the event of a cancellation, if a cancellation brings the number of paying passengers below the minimum number required for a given price or set of concessions for accompanying adults, a supplement cost may be required, and concessions will be adjusted accordingly. If you require further information please contact Select. Please notify any potential cancellations as early as possible.

Any withdrawal from the trip needs to be put in writing to the school - and there will be an administration fee of £20.00 in addition to the above charges.

Medical and Contact Details

The consent form will be sent out to you via the Brighton and Hove Evolve visits system in October.  Please ensure that you read the consent form carefully and complete the information including permission to join in the activities.

Covid Information

At the current time there are no covid restrictions to enter Italy or France. This however could change at short notice. If the situation changes and vaccination becomes a requirement unvaccinated student will not be able to receive a refund as this was a condition of the original booking. If students are too ill to travel from COVID or any other illness or injury then they will be covered by the travel Insurance. 


It is important you understand that the Insurance policy is a contract between yourselves and the Insurance Company and although we will offer as much help as we possibly can we cannot claim on your behalf.

Please read through the insurance policy and let the Visits Office know if there are any medical changes from when you have completed the medical consent form.

The full Insurance policy can be found on the following link file:///C:/Users/lwhite/AppData/Local/Temp/ 

The Insurance travel summary can be found on the following file:///C:/Users/lwhite/AppData/Local/Temp/

Students are covered for all medical expenses whilst abroad with no excess payable, they MUST carry their Global Health Card (GHIC) at all times and the medical card that will be issued in resort.  Please check the expiry date if your child already has one. These are free and you can apply on the website below. If you still have an European Health Insurance card (EHIC) and it is still in date you do not need to apply for a new one.

Select Travel Summary
Travel Policy Wording


You must make sure your child has a full 5 or 10 year passport ready for the trip. If they are not yet in possession of one, could you please apply now as it can take some time. I will be happy to sign passport applications if necessary. (Note: I can only sign the passport forms when the family has been known to me for at least three years if this is not the case then perhaps one of the Primary School or previous School Teachers would oblige.)

Due to Brexit and Insurance reasons the passport should be valid for at least three months after they day you plan to leave. You can keep a check on the Government guidelines here. If your child has a non-British Passport please contact me immediately 

We will not be collecting passports or G/EHIC cards prior to the trip. It will be the responsibility of each student to bring both these documents on the departure day and they will be collected as they board the coach.

We will be asking you to bring your passport and G/EHIC to Ski Night to be double checked and labelled ready for the trip. They will be immediately returned to you.

Please note that failure to bring the passport or G/EHIC on the departure day will result in your child not being able to travel. We will not have time for students to go home and find them.  Please note a refund with NOT be considered under these circumstances.

Ski Clothing Hire and Purchase

There are many shops in Brighton and Hove that offer good quality and reasonably priced ski clothing. Ocean Sports on the Kingsway Hove has very good quality ski clothing and excellent knowledge of the equipment required. Their website is

Alternatively, you can hire a jacket and salopettes and purchase some essentials from Snow Union. These will be attending our ski night where this can be arranged. You can have a look at their website 

What do I need to borrow, purchase or hire?

A good quality ski Jacket, salopettes, ski socks (at least 3 pairs), ski gloves, sunglasses, ski goggles, sun cream, snow boots (optional but useful). Everything else your child will have, t-shirts and sweatshirts for skiing and then normal clothes for the evenings.

What to take

Ski Wear General

Ski Jacket Warm Casual Clothes

Salopettes Trainers or indoor shoes

Ski Gloves Underwear and socks

Ski Goggles Towel/s

Sun glasses and/or Goggles Swimsuit (not bikini)

2 or 3 pairs of ski socks Trunks (no shorts/Speedo style)

2 or 3 T-shirts/Polo neck shirts Lip salve and sun cream toiletries

2 warm fleece sweatshirts or jumpers Notebook and pen  

Thermal underwear Purse/wallet

        Small bag for hand luggage  

Optional Items Currency

Camera Antibacterial hand Gel

IPads/tablet Swimming Hat

Books/small games

Hair dryer

Travel plug

Snow boots

Hoodie Design Competition for students

We will be offering the chance to purchase Ski Trip Hoodies later in the year for around £25.00. We need a design to go on the back. Last time we had a fantastic design from one of our Year 8 students and I am sure we can repeat this again. Designs can be on paper or by e-mail and should be sent to Mr Miller by Friday 15th September.

The winning design will receive a free hoodie

Good luck!

Ski Night for Parents and Students – Newman College

Tuesday 12th December 2023  Due to recent legislation all parents/carers must inform me in writing if you are unable to attend. I will ensure you receive all the relevant information. Even if your child has been on the trip before, you should attend as regulations involving activities are constantly changing.

5.00pm – Ski Shop opens in College Common room

5.45pm – 6.45pm For Year 8 parents and Students

7.00pm – 8.00pm For Year 9 and 10 parents and students

7.15pm – Ski Shop closed

If you have more than one child on the trip please go to the talk which is most convenient for you. If you have a child going on the College trip you should attended this talk in addition as aspects to this trip are very different due to their age.

During this evening, specific details of the day to day organisation of the trip will be given to you and I will be talking about the expectations of student behaviour and the type of activities which will be on offer to them. All the issues concerning safety, especially during the skiing sessions, will also be discussed at Ski Night and parents must ensure they are present at this meeting. There will be a rep from Halsbury Travel to answer any questions.


Rules and condition that all school students participate fully in P.E. lessons in the weeks leading up to the trip.

The school reserves the right to prevent any student from travelling due to poor behaviour prior to the trip and although every effort will be made to find a replacement this cannot always be guaranteed and cancellation charges may apply.  If their behaviour is unsatisfactory or jeopardising their own safety or that of the group and other skiers, my child will be grounded at the hotel with a member of staff or in the extreme be asked to return home early as an unsupervised minor at your own expense.  They will be reminded of the school code of conduct at the student information meeting that they must attend.  We will send out details to your child nearer the time of where and when to meet either in school or the college.