Found Object Art K-2

Can art be made without using art materials? Yes! Some artist use what are called found objects. In other words, they use items they find in their everyday life. Try out these found object lessons below! Do one or do them all! Be sure to photograph your work and send it to me or have your family share on Instagram #bweartathome. Be sure to put all items away when your are finished with your masterpiece!

  1. Pick a plate and collect a variety of objects that could be used as facial features.

  2. Arrange and rearrange the objects until you have a layout that you like.

  3. Photograph your portrait and email me!

  4. Feel free to create more than one submission!

Or try this version using found objects from outside!

A color wheel is a tool that organizes the primary colors and secondary colors. Create a color wheel using found objects around your house. Don't forget to take a photograph and share it with

Here are a few videos about the color wheel and how to make a found object color wheel.