Please review each section of this page to learn what is expected of you as a member of the Choirs of W.A. Hough High School:
C.A.R.E. for Choral Students

Being a member of a chorus is a wonderful musical and personal experience. The main emphasis of a choral group is, of course, singing. Musicians must be disciplined, self-motivated, passionate about their art, and dedicated to work hard to improve their skills. You are now a member of an elite group of singers here at HHS—a “Howlin’Husky!” The chorus classes at Hough are built around the concept of giving and sharing as we give and share our talents with each other, and our audiences. Through this giving and sharing we receive many rewards of self-satisfaction and praise for accomplished excellence. The standards by those singers from years past has been highly set, therefore, membership in any of our choirs should be respected, taken seriously, and pridefully! Welcome!
A variety of music repertoire will be explored throughout the year, including music from other cultures, regions of the world, and songs sung in a variety of languages. The foundations of good vocal techniques, vocal health, sight reading, musicianship, etc. will be built upon previous skills learned as we progress through the year. Opportunities for solos, regional choruses, and smaller specialty groups both on and off campus will exist for students in good academic standing. As we strive to continue to build a choral music “legacy” here at Hough, expectations for members of this class will be at a very high standard.
For some of you this will be a totally new experience. Some of the veterans already know what to expect. You are an individual talent, but you are part of a much greater body of sound called a chorus. Although being in chorus is a lot of fun and very rewarding, it is a PERFORMANCE class, and requires a lot of hard work, commitment, and perseverance. Chorus requires outside work by the student, including memorization of lyrics and music, vocal exercises and music theory homework. Students need to realize that chorus is both a learning class AND a performing class.
Students are expected to perform in all concerts and related events
National & North Carolina HS Choral Music Standards
Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music
Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music
Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments
Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines
Reading and notating music
Listening to, analyzing, and describing music
Evaluating music and music performances
Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts
Understanding music in relation to history and culture