Chorus classes at William A. Hough High School are developed around the concepts of giving, sharing and ever-growing maturity. While pursuing excellence through giving and sharing our talents with each other and our audiences, we are rewarded in multiple ways. Consistent with high expectations and pride established by singers from past years, present-day participation should be respected and taken seriously. It’s our turn!


Want to help out the Choral Students? Please see our Amazon Wish List to purchase items needed in the Chorus Room this fall. Items can be shipped directly to Hough, Attn: Chorus Boosters. Thank you for your support! Click Here for The Chorus Amazon Wish List 

Proud sponsors 


Each singer is a vital member of the Choirs of William A. Hough High School! Thank you for your partnership, as we pursue musical excellence and a great experience together. This form is provided for past, present and future Howlin' Huskies and their families to stay in touch with us, and as an information source for all things choral at The Hough. 

Please click on the form image to the right to contact us for more information about our program.