
MYP (Grades 9 & 10)

Students in the MYP complete "Service as Action," activities they may complete either with the school or through outside organizations.

  • All service activities must be approved by your school's service coordinator and/or IB coordinator.

  • All activities must include student reflection, using Harding's IB Reflection Forms.

  • Students must complete 8 activities/25 hours each year. Activities may not roll over to the next year.

DP (Grades 11 & 12)

Students in the DP complete Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS) in accordance with official IB guidelines.

  • CAS begins in the fall of junior year and should be completed by January of the senior year.

  • CAS has 7 learning outcomes which must be fulfilled across all CAS activities. Students must:

    • identify own strengths and develop areas for growth;

    • demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process;

    • demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience;

    • show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences;

    • demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively;

    • demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance;

    • recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

  • Students must complete a rough balance of activities in each category of Creativity, Activity, and Service.

  • Students must complete a CAS project, a long-term, student-planned endeavor.

  • Creativity may include:

    • artistic endeavors (visual or performing)

    • planning events

    • teaching/tutoring/coaching

  • Activity refers to physical activity and may include:

    • organized sports

    • campus/neighborhood cleanups

  • Service involves experiences which benefit others and for which students are not paid.

  • Students must complete a reflection for every CAS experience using Harding's IB Reflection Forms.