Leaving CMS
How To Return your Tech
Who and When?
All students leaving CMS:
Return your CMS tech to the media center immedately after your last CMS Class. If you learn of this over the summer, return your tech to the front office. A member of the CCiA Tech team can collect it and ensure it is no longer listed under your name.
Graduates, you must return it by Rehearsal in Order to Graduate. Graduate Tech Return Reminder Notice
- CHROMEBOOK and charger
- HOTSPOT and charger and/or
- any other tech from any CMS school you attended
To avoid any delays or fines, stop by the media center in advance confirm the inventory you are responsible for
How To Keep Your Important Files
Your Google account ending in @student.cms.k12.nc.us will no longer be available once you leave CMS. Follow these directions before you leave. https://cms.instructure.com/courses/137769/pages/google-takeout That Canvas Course walks you through how to download your CMS Google files via Google Takeout or Copy your Drive and Gmail data to a personal Gmail account via Google Transfer.
Tip: Sort by file size and delete or publish to the web (like upload to a personal YouTube account or website) anything you want to keep that is very large since personal Google accounts do not have unlimited storage.
What is Google Takeout?
Allows you to create an archive of your resources from your CMS Google Account in one zip file that you can download. You can then extract and upload these resources to another Google account or open them locally on your computer.
Please note that archives may take a long time (hours or possibly days) to create so prepare to extract your content as soon as you know you will be leaving CMS.
What is Google Transfer?
Allows you to copy your Google Drive Files and emails (students only) from your CMS Google account into a personal Google Account. All of your resources will be copies of the original content.
Google Transfer Directions : https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/3024190?hl=en
Grads and those leaving Schooling
Before you leave, Let the social worker or your school counselor here or at your next school know if you need tech to do your schoolwork once you leave CMS. They may be able to connect you with resources to help.
Once you leave,
visit the PUBLIC LIBRARY for resources that can replace the ones that used to be provided by CMS. Tutor.com is still available to you as well as online book borrowing, audio books many more resources