Information Technology

If life behind a screen sounds like a dream, you may be perfectly suited for a career in Information Technology.  Students will learn the fundamentals of a career in this fast-growing field. From basic coding to cybersecurity, the courses will prepare you for real-world expectations in the field. 

Information Technology careers involve the design, development, support and management of hardware, software, multimedia and systems integration services. The IT industry is a dynamic and entrepreneurial working environment that has a revolutionary impact on the economy and society. 


The coding program of study is designed for students interested in computer programming. Students will develop standard programming techniques and learn the logic tools and methods typically used by programmers to create simple computer applications including learning how to write, analyze, review, and revise programs, converting detailed information from workflow charts and diagrams into coded instructions in a computer language.
COURSE STANDARDS: Year 1:   Computer Science FoundationsYear 2:  Coding IYear 3:  Coding II or Mobile App Development
  • CMCSS K-12 Virtual School 
  • Northeast High School

Post Secondary Opportunities

Degree and certification programs in the field of Coding are available at TCAT, NSCC and APSU.

Career Fields in Coding

App Developer

Computer Programmer

Computer Systems Analyst

Data Scientist

Informatics Nurse Specialist

IT Security Specialists

Network Analyst

Program Analyst

Software Developer

Software Engineer

Systems Analyst

Web Design

The Web Design program of study is designed for students interested in designing and creating websites. Students will develop fundamental skills in both theory and practical application of the basic web design and development process, project management and teamwork, troubleshooting and problem-solving, and interpersonal skill development.
COURSE STANDARDS: Year 1:   Computer Science FoundationsYear 2:  Web Design FoundationsYear 3:  Web Site Development
  • Kirkwood High School

Post Secondary Opportunities

Degree and certification programs in the field of Web Design are available at TCAT, NSCC and APSU.

Career Fields in Web Design

Web Developer

Web Administrator

Art Director

Computer Programmer

Creative Director

Game Developer

Graphic Designer

Marketing Manager

User Experience Designer

Web Designer