Business Management & Administration

Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit? Dream of owning your own business someday, or are you always in search of the next side hustle? Take your passion for the business world to the next level. Prepare now for your future CEO position. Students in the Business Management cluster will learn the basics of running a business and what's needed to make it successful. If you're looking for real-world experience to put you one step ahead of the competition, the Business Management cluster is waiting for you. 

The business management and administration career cluster prepare learners for careers in planning, organizing, directing, and evaluating business functions essential to efficient and productive business operations. 

Business Management

The Business Management program of study is designed for students interested in areas of management. Students will have the opportunity to develop foundational and practical knowledge of business management-related courses including intro to business, learning how to write, developing entrepreneurial skills, and virtual enterprise international.
COURSE STANDARDS: Year 1:  Introduction to Business and MarketingYear 2:  Business Communication or Account IYear 3:  Business ManagementYear 4: Business and Entrepreneurship Practicum and Work-Based Learning (Academy only)
  • Clarksville High School (Academy of Business and Marketing)
  • Northwest High School
  • Rossview High School 

Post Secondary Opportunities

Degree and certification programs in the field of Business Management are available at NSCC, TCAT and APSU.

Career Fields in Business Management

Administrative Assistant

Chief Operations Officer


Executive Secretary

File Clerk

Franchise Owner

Inventory Manager


Management Analyst

Public Relations Manager


Risk Manager


Student Reviews

"[My favorite part about the program is] the relationship I have built with the people. We've been together for four years now, so I am very comfortable around them and it's a lot easier to ask for help when I need it."  Olivia, Senior

Office Management

The Office Management program of study is designed to prepare students for employment in various capacities of management processes and people in the office setting, Course content centers on communication networks; the internet; technology operations; work processing and publishing; spreadsheet applications; database applications; presentation software; digital citizenship; and electronic communication and collaboration.
COURSE STANDARDS: Year 1:  Computer ApplicationsYear 2:  Business CommunicationsYear 3:  Business ManagementYear 4:  Advanced Computer Applications (MCHS) 
  • Clarksville High School
  • Montgomery Central High School
  • Northeast High School
  • West Creek High School

Post Secondary Opportunities

Degree and certification programs in the field of Office Management are available at NSCC.

Career Fields in Office Management

Administrative Assistant


Chief Operations Officer


Executive Secretary

File Clerk

Inventory Manager


Public Relations Manager


Risk Manager

Sales Associate
