Clovis North High School Scholarship Portfolio This portfolio will give you access to the Feeder School PTC scholarships and the CNEC Counseling Center Scholarship. Information provided will assist in matching you to scholarships and is kept confidential. This form and requested documents must be returned to Ms. Nurcanyan  in the Counseling Center by December8, 2023 The following must accompany this portfolio (Please do not staple): 

 Name ______________________________________ CNHS Student ID # ________________

 Address ____________________________________________________________________ City _______________________ Zip Code _______________ Phone # _______________ Parent/Guardian Name _________________________ Counselor ______________________ Where do you plan to attend college? _____________________________________________ 

What will be your college major? ________________________________________________

 What is your proposed occupation? _______________________________________________ 

Were you a student at any of the following schools? Attach a paragraph describing your experiences at the schools you attended; your paragraph enters you into that school’s scholarship competition (some schools may require an additional application). Some elementary schools may not participate in our scholarship competition. Please circle the schools you attended

 Fugman                 Copper Hills                         Riverview                                   Bud Rank                                       Mountain View 

Ethnic background (such as American Indian, Italian, Filipino, Hispanic, etc.) ______________________________ 

(OPTIONAL - used for specific scholarships) Financial Information (All info is confidential): 

This may be left blank 

Father’s Occupation _________________________________________ Annual gross income _________________

 Mother’s Occupation _________________________________________Annual gross income _________________ If student is employed, please state where and how much is earned per month: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Number of dependent children in family: ______ Extraordinary family expenses? ___________________