Special Place

Veronika Warchol


Silence is sometimes a gift

That rarely exists

When you find yourself in it

It often feels like you’re dreamin’

Thoughts consume your mind

And make you wonder about all of life’s possibilities

Some seek silence as an escape

Others reject it out of fear

I welcome silence at times

As it rejuvenates the mind

-Remy Dubac


16 countries belong to a mythical continent where

15 of their people's stomachs growl louder than a

14-year-old American kid yelling at their video game as they lose

13-0 because they had to help their mom out for dinner.

12 numbers on a clock and yet the

11-year-old boy works

10 hours a day to provide food for his

9-year-old sister and her mother who can only afford to eat one meal at


7 days a week the

6 kids sneak out of their rubble homes and find

5 rocks to defend themselves against the

4 men who point their loaded guns at the

3 heads that peaked over the border that then led them to having

2 messes to clean, yet they couldn’t knock the last

1 down as it was an olive tree that had a silhouette of a man.

The Late Summer Sun

The late summer sun casts its golden glow,

Painting ‘noon grass in the color of brass.

One spot shines brighter, where the flowers grow.

My grandma’s roses: delicate like glass.

Next to the garden, heavy grapevines twist.

My grandpa’s treasure, his own paradise.

He beams at the clusters, ripe and sun-kissed,

And hands me one, and it’s gone in a trice.

Red juice drips down my chin. I lick my lips

And savor the taste of the fading ‘noon

That slips into dusk. The stars, like toy ships,

Sail in the calm violet sea with the moon.

I hold this memory firm in my hand

And imagine myself in my homeland.

-Yuliya Pasechko

Veronika Warchol

Frosina Pavloska

A Special Place

We all have a special place somewhere

Whether that is a particular swing at the park

A pizzeria down the street

Or a specific spot in your room

My special place is my mom

Wherever she is, I feel safe

I have no worries when she is near

I cherish every moment with her

Whether that is going out to eat

Shopping together until the stores close

Or simply by hanging out at home

She's my best friend

My voice of reason

My shoulder to cry on

She is a woman like no other

She has taught me everything I know

From learning how to cook

And knowing how to handle certain situations

I am who I am today because of my mom

Her dedication toward my brother and I

Inspires me to become just like her

My special place may not be an actual place

But it is just as important

My special place is my mom

What’s yours?

-Aryanna Pena